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三、句子的语调 说话时声音或升或降,有高有低,这种变化就叫语调。语调可分为降调、升调和降升调。 降调表示肯定的语气和句意完整。故此,陈述句、祈使句、特殊疑问句和感叹句通常使用降调。例如: I don't like English at all. Let's go to see the movie tonight. Where were you last Sunday? How beautiful these flowers are! (04/26/2007 06:34:31) [查看全文] 题型3:请听对话,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出在你所听到的对话中所含的单词。每个对话只读一遍。 11.A.plates B.trains C.teapots D.trips 12.A.catch B.match C.fresh D.fetch 13.A.cooking B.shooting C.shopping D.sailing 14.A.prepare (04/26/2007 06:34:31) [查看全文] 对话理解分两节。第一节为5段短对话,每段对话后有一个问题,请根据所听到的对话内容选择最佳选项。第二节为一段长对话,共设5个小题,请根据所听到的内容,选出其最佳答案。此部分的对话和问题均读两遍。 题型1:请听下面五组对话,然后根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话和问题均读两遍。 (A) 1.A.Because it's a bad example to the children. (04/26/2007 06:34:31) [查看全文] 题型2:Choose the right picture,according to the dialogue you hear.Each dialogue will be read twice.(听对话选图,每个对话读两遍。) 1.A B (04/26/2007 06:34:30) [查看全文] 题型3:Listen to the dialogues and write the answers to the questions.Each dialogue will be read twice.(听对话回答问题,每个对话读两遍) 1.Which bus goes to the park? 2.When did the plane take off? 3.What are the man and the woman talking about? 4.What is Tom's mother now? (04/26/2007 06:34:30) [查看全文] 题型4:请听下面一段对话,然后根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。 1.Why does Mr Fish telephone Betty's Garage? A.To see if the parts have arrived. B.To buy a car. C.To ask what has happened to Betty. D.To know if she has repaired his car. 2.When did Mr Fish write to Betty (04/26/2007 06:34:29) [查看全文] C cab/kAb/(=taxicab/5tAksikAb/) nc. (美)出租车 cabbage/5kAbidV/nc.卷心菜;洋白菜 café/5kQfei/nc.咖啡馆;餐馆 cafeteria/ (04/26/2007 06:34:27) [查看全文] 六、However,most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other. have some (any,no,a lot of,little,much) difficulty in doing sth. Do you have any difficulty in learning English? The larger your vocabulary is,the less diff (04/26/2007 06:34:26) [查看全文] 单词记忆方法简介
比较记忆法 比较记忆法是指通过比较,找出被记忆对象之间的联系或差异,以便利用已有知识记忆新知识的一种方法。我们可以利用单词的音、性、义三个方面与所学单词之间的联系来提高记忆效果。在单词的音方面,我们可以利用同音词来帮助记忆新单词。例如: 1.whether是否 weather天气 2.hole洞 whole整个的,全部的 3.deer鹿 dear亲爱的,昂贵的 4.peace和平 piece片,块,条 (04/26/2007 06:34:26) [查看全文] 对话理解与相关的情景会话知识直接相关,为此,这里将已学过的情景会话项目按其内容分类归纳如下: 一、问路与指路Asking and giving the directions 1.概说:若人们身处一个陌生的地方,不熟悉情况,免不了要问目的地在哪儿或如何到达目的地。该话题是日常会话中必有的内容,它包括问路和指路。 2.常用表达法: A.Asking the directions问路 Excuse m (04/26/2007 06:34:25) [查看全文] 二、看病 (Seeing a doctor) 1.概说:人们遇到头痛脑热、受伤等身体不适时,总是要去看医生的。此类话题也是听力测试中常见的试题。它包括病人的自述和医生的询问与诊断。 2.常用表达法: a.What's the trouble? What's troubling you? What's wrong with you/ your...? Are you feeling/ D (04/26/2007 06:34:24) [查看全文] 三、谈论天气 (Talking about the weather) 1.概说:天气的变化会对人们的生活、工作或活动产生一定的影响,是人们经常谈论的话题,更是英国人对话时少不了的内容。 2.常用表达法: a.What's the weather like today? How is the weather in...? Is it always as hot/cold...as this? Is the weather alwa (04/26/2007 06:34:24) [查看全文] 根据上句完成下句,使其与上句意思保持一致,每空限填一词。 1.His watch is cheaper than mine. His watch is______ ______ ______ as mine. 2.I have never seen such an instructive film. This film is______ ______ ______ one I have ever seen. 3.Li Ping is the tallest in his class. Li Ping (04/26/2007 06:34:24) [查看全文] |