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About the year 1900, a small, dark-haired boy named Charles Chaplin was often seen waiting outside the back entrances of London theatres. He looked thin and hungry but his blue eyes were determined. He was hoping to get work in show business. He could sing and dance. Although his own boyhood was painfully hard, he knew how to make people laugh. (03/17/2008 06:23:46) [查看全文] 一直都有保持每天听半个小时英语新闻的习惯。今天听到一则关于香港禽流感的新闻,感觉人类真的面临着越来越大的挑战了!各种各样的疾病不断出现,我们是不是也应该为其负责呢?我想现在是我们反省一下自己的做法的时候了。 Today when I listened to the Hong Kong newscast, i surprising learned that three children aged from 2 to 7 died because of a certain category of influenza named H3N1. All the primary schools and kindergartens will be closed for two weeks. (03/17/2008 06:23:46) [查看全文] For the Love of My Father Over the years, I never thought of my father as being very emotional, and he never was, at least not in front of me. Even though he was 68 years old and only five-foot-nine, while I was six feet and 260 pounds, he seemed huge to me. I always saw him as being that staunch disciplinarian who rarely cracked a smile. M (03/17/2008 06:23:46) [查看全文] 故事新编:听老人言的后果 Once upon a time there was a nice young man called Karim. He used to sell caps for a living, and roam around several villages.<注1> One day he would be in village A, the other day people would find him in village B. It was an afternoon in summer and he was traversing the vast plains when he felt tired and wanted t (03/17/2008 06:23:45) [查看全文] Every Day is a Lucky Day I teach economics at UNLV three times per week. Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been. One young man said that his weekend had not been so good. He had his wisdom teeth removed. The young man then proceeded to ask me why I always seemed to be so cheerful. (03/17/2008 06:23:45) [查看全文] Let Me Say “Thank You” I remember the first time I got on a horse. I was two years old and we were watching a friend of the family ride. My mom agreed to let me take a short ride around the arena with the friend and that was it! I was horse crazy. From then on, I drove my parents insane begging for a horse. Whenever I saw a horse, I would b (03/17/2008 06:23:45) [查看全文] ◎译 名 前哨 ◎片 名 Outpost ◎导 演 Steve Barker ◎主 演 Ray Stevenson ... DC Julian Wadham ... Hunt Richard Brake ... Prior Paul Blair ... Jordan Brett Fancy ... Ta (03/17/2008 06:23:41) [查看全文] ◎译 名 南方传奇 ◎片 名 Southland Tales ◎导 演 理查德·凯利 Richard Kelly ◎主 演 巨石 The Rock .....Boxer Santaros/Jericho Kane 西恩 (03/17/2008 06:23:40) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第十四部 第十九章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 每当读到关于一八一二年战争最后阶段的记述的时候,有哪一个俄国人不感觉到十二万分的遗憾、不安和难于理解的呢?有谁又不向自己提出这样一个问题:既然,所有三路大军以优势兵力包围了法国军队,既然溃逃的法国人又饿又冻,成群地投降,既然(历史这样告诉我们)俄国人的计划就是要阻截、活捉全部法国人,那么,为什么又没有俘获和消灭全部法国人呢? 数量上少于法国人的俄国军队,何以打了一场波罗底诺战役?何以能从三面包围法国军队,其目的就是全部俘获他们,而又未能达到这一目的呢?难道法国人就比我们强那么多,在已经被我们的优势兵力包围 (03/15/2008 09:21:20) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book14 CHAPTER XIX by Leo Tolstoy WHAT RUSSIAN READER has not known an irksome feeling of annoyance, dissatisfaction, and perplexity, when he reads the accounts of the latter period of the campaign of 1812? Who has not asked himself: How was it all the French w (03/15/2008 09:21:19) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第十四部 第十八章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 法国人在整个溃逃过程中,做尽了他们所能够做的断送自己命运的一切事情,从转向卢日斯卡雅大道到主帅扔下自己的部队只身逃跑,这一群乌合之众的每一个行动,都没有丝毫意义。这样,我们可以说,在这一阶段的战役中,要把群众的行动归因于某个人意志的历史学家们,要按照他们的思想来描述这次大溃逃是绝对不可能了。其实不然,历史学家所写的关于这一战役的书籍可以堆积如山,对拿破仑的战略部署、深思熟虑的战略决策以及指挥军队作战的机动灵活,还有他的元帅们的军事天才,都作了淋漓尽致的描述。 从小雅罗斯拉维茨退却的时候,他可以通过一个物产 (03/15/2008 09:21:18) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book14 CHAPTER XVIII by Leo Tolstoy ONE MIGHT have supposed that the historians, who ascribe the actions of the masses to the will of one man, would have found it impossible to explain the retreat of the French on their theory, considering that they did everything (03/15/2008 09:21:17) [查看全文] |