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[日期:2007-04-30]   [字体: ]

 一、a GREat deal of; a lot of(lots of); a great(good)many

1. I have made _______friends since I came here.
        2. _______ trees have been planted along the road. 

        3. I have spent _______ money on books.
      【答案】1. a lot of (lots of)/a GREat(good) many 2.A great(good) many/A lot of(Lots of) 3. a great deal of/a lot of (lots of)
      【点拨】这组词皆有“许多”之意,但在用法上有很大区别。a GREat deal of多用来修饰不可数名词。 a lot of(lots of)修饰可数或不可数名词,一般用于肯定句中。a great(good)many语气较强,用作定语时,只修饰可数名词复数,后面不加 of 。
         二、be made of; be made from; be made into
        1. Books _______ paper and paper   _______wood.
        2. These wine bottles _______ glass.
        3. This kind of wine_______ wheat.
        4. The desks and chairs_______wood. 
        5. Grapes can_______wine.
      【答案】1. are made of; is made from 2. are made of 3. is made from 4. are made of 5. be made into  
      【点拨】be made of 指成品中可以看出原材料。 be made from 指在成品中看不出原材料。 be made into 其主语是原料,指某种原料可以制成(某种成品)。 

         三、discover; find; find out

        1. You_______your mistake too late. 
        2. I've been trying to_______ her telephone number.
        3. I _______English grammar difficult to learn. 
        4. Columbus_______America in 1492. 
      【答案】1. discovered/found 2. find out   3. find   4. discovered
      【点拨】discover意为“发现”,指发现原来早就存在但人们还不知道的东西,如新大陆、科学规律等。 find意为“遇见;发现”,最普通的用语,如在公园内遇见熟人,发现某事实、事物等。 find out虽然和 find 区别甚微,但 find out 倾向于指发现无形的或隐藏的事物,所以找到一把刀不能用find out,只能用 find,查出秘密、罪恶等,只能用find out,因为它还有从许多使人迷惑的事情中发现某种事物的含义。 

         四、 high; highly

        1. They spoke_______of her.
        2. The gas is kept at a_______pressure.
        3. Her mother was_______educated.
        4. One must have_______ideas.
      【答案】1. highly 2. high 3. highly 4. high
      【点拨】high用作形容词时,其意思是“高的”,但常引申为“强烈的;高尚的;崇高的”。 high还可用作副词,其意思是“高; 显著地; 强烈地”。highly 也是副词,往往指抽象的高。 

         五、pick out; pick up; pick at

        1. He'd been _______ so often by teachers and parents that he didn't know how to behave. 
        2. The woman _______a scarf to go with the dress.
        3. He_______a magazine that was lying on the table.
        4. _______ me_______at the hotel.
      【答案】1. picked at 2. picked out 3. picked up 4. Pick; up
      【点拨】这三个短语意思不同。pick up意为“拾(捡)起;搭载;接收”等; pick out意为 “选出;挑出”等;pick at意为“挑剔别人;找……茬儿”等。

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