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[日期:2007-05-06]   [字体: ]

Soppose you are a new director in a town government in charge of environment. You find there are some unreasonable layouts(布局)in the town form an environmental point of view.(The layout is shown on the right)

Please write a brief report so that you can show your opinions in the government monthly meeting. Please state what is unreasonable about the layout and how you  would change it.

You should wrtie about 150 word in total.


Useful words:

下游:lower reaches of a river

排水:discharge water


One possible version:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Generally speaking,froman environmental point of view,a paper-mill should be located on the lowerreaches of a river,and on the contrary,the waterworks should be located on the upper reaches of a river.The reason for this is that a paper-mill will discharge dirty water every day,which will definitely pollutethe river.Another issue is,as planes produce loud noise,which is harmful for the local residents'health,airports should not be located closeto the downtown or the residental areas.

Therefore,the layout in our town should be changed in the following ways.The paper-mill should bemoved to the very lower reaches of theHongqi River,and,at the same time,the waterworks needs to bemoved up to the very upper reaches of the river.The airport needs to be moved out of the downtown areato the lower reaches of the Hongqi River since there are no flats and not so many people there.


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