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[日期:2007-05-06]   [字体: ]







Dear Sandy,

Thank you to your e-mail message and address.I'mwriting to you 81. ____

to tell you more about myself and alsoto send you photo.82. ____

That's me on the left.The one in the middle was my elder brother,John,83. ____

and that's my sister Sophia on the right.I have on very well with my sister,84. ____

so my brother and I have nothing in common—he's very serious and boring.85. ____

He just spends all his time by the computer and never goes out.86. ____

I'mstudying the English and Spanishat university,but I'mnot sure why.87. ____

I mean,I don't knowwhat I should wantto do when I leave university.88. ____

Anyway,I love travelling and languages will be useful for that.Last summer 89. ____

I study English at a school in Chicagoand next summer I want to go to Spain 90. ____

to go horse-riding on the beach.Whatcan I tell you?I'msingle.91. ____

I have a boyfriend for six months,butwe separated fromeach other becausehe92. ____

was very selfish.I want to get married and have children one day,but not yet!93. ____

As I told you in the e-mail,I'minterested just about everything—even football!94. ____

Howabout you?Please write soon and tell me howyou're interested in.95. ____




Dear Sandy,

Thank you to your e-mail message and address.I'mwriting to you 81.for

to tell you more about myself and alsoto send you∧photo.82.a

That's me on the left.The one in the middle was my elder brother,John,83.is

and that's my sister Sophia on the right.I have on very well with my sister,84.get

so my brother and I have nothing in common—he's very serious and boring.85.but

He just spends all his time by the computer and never goes out.86.on

I'm studying the English and Spanishat university,but I'mnot sure why.87.the

I mean,I don't knowwhat I should wantto do when I leave university.88.should

Anyway,I love travelling and languages will be useful for that.Last summer 89.

I study English at a school in Chicagoand next summer I want to go to Spain 90.studied

to go horse-riding on the beach.What∧can I tell you?I'msingle.91.else

I have a boyfriend for six months,butwe separated fromeach other becausehe 92.had

was very selfish.I want to get married and have children one day,but not yet!93.

As I told you in the e-mail,I'minterested∧just about everything—even football!94.in

Howabout you?Please write soon and tell me how you're interested in.95.what



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