An FBI agent tracks down Agent Keller man with news about Kelli Foster, the woman who was shot when mistaken for Sara. She booked a flight to New Mexico and just landed. Wheeler tells Mahone that a waitress in Arizona believes she ID’ed Lincoln. Mahone orders a field team out to confirm. Mahone’s phone rings and Kellerman updates him on Sara flying to New Mexico. Mahone spins and looks at the list of words on the wall, his eyes land on the letters “NM” throughout the words. Pam tells Michael that Mahone wasn’t always so intense. One day, he just changed and was obsessed with getting his family out of his life. She continues to say that Mahone started spending all his time in the backyard, surrounded by huge bags of lye. He tore up new sod and planted a flower bed instead. She begins to choke up, but fights through it. All she wanted was an explanation, but all he gave her was, “Sometimes things are just out of your control.” She excuses herself, and as she leaves, Michael eyes her cell phone. He quickly stands and flips the phone open, then searches her phone book until he finds Mahone’s cell phone number. Lang and other FBI agents wait in an unmarked van with Kacee at some local fairgrounds. Lang is debriefing Kacee on the plan. Lang says all Kacee has to do is wait for C-Note near the arcade. They other agents load weapons around her and Kacee begins to shake. Kacee turns to Lang, “I do this, you leave me any my child alone.” Kacee walks out of the van and begins her walk to the arcade. C-Note, on a cell phone, calls a member of Darius’ crew, Flam, who confirms that Kacee is there. Chris slides out of a car, where C-Note is sitting in the passenger seat. He walks across the fairgrounds and stands near Kacee, with his hood up. He turns slightly and tells her that a black SUV is going to pull up to the entrance and she needs to run to it. She pauses, afraid that the FBI is going to take her daughter. Lang spots Chris and sends an agent to see what’s going on. Chris tells Kacee that every thing is taken care of. She needs to move. Kacee takes off running across the fairground toward the SUV. Lang screams to get the agents to move out. Kacee jumps into the SUV and it speeds off. As an unmarked squad car closes in on the SUV, a delivery truck screeches to a halt in front of the FBI vehicles. Flam is at the wheel and pretends to not speak English. The SUV tears off across a field. Jay, another one of Darius’ friends, gives Kacee a cell phone. On the other end, C-Note tells her everything is okay and Darius is picking up Dede from school. Lang barks out the order to have Dede pulled from school. C-Note calls Darius who tells them that he thinks they’re stalling and keeping Dede away from him. Michael continues to ask Pam Mahone questions. “What about Oscar Shales?” Pam doesn’t understand why Michael would ask, but he presses her on it. Shales was the only fugitive to elude Mahone, and Pam admits that he was obsessed with Shales. She says that she’s sure it wasn’t the stress of hunting Shales that broke Mahone because it happened after the trail went cold. She even remembers the exact date. Immediately after that, Michael says he thinks he has everything he needs. But Pam, knowing the FBI protocol better than Michael, asks if Michael needs social history and education. Michael says he needs to file his report with Strategic Operations immediately, but that doesn’t sit well with Pam. She tells Michael that Strategic Operations doesn’t handle background checks anymore, it’s now the Chief Information Officer. Michael covers his tracks by blaming the complexity of bureaucracies and excuses himself. C-Note sits in an SUV near Dede’s school and tells Darius to get her out. He sees a couple of agents arrive and he sprints out of the car. He finds Darius in the school and sends Darius to start the car. C-Note sees Dede inside the classroom, then storms in and scoops her up. He exits out the back as the agents move in the front. C-Note runs across the campus and dives into the SUV, leaving the agents behind. T-Bag walks down a familiar suburban street with sunflowers in his hand. He fixes his suit and does his best to look like a gentleman. He approaches a house and notices a reality sign out front. The front door is open and he enters the empty house of Susan Hollander. He straightens a chair and slumps down with clear disappointment. Lincoln and LJ walks through the fields alongside a freeway. The two talk about girls and Lincoln learns a little more about his son. The two share a laugh, but Lincoln is still cautious and pulls LJ away from the road. T-Bag sits in the chair, remember his time with the Hollander family. He stands and walks towards the kitchen, then trashes the sunflowers. When he turns back, Bellick knocks T-Bag unconscious with the house’s “FOR SALE” sign. Bellick stands over T-Bag and grumbles, “How ya feelin’, little Teddy?” Mahone frantically tries to break the code on the origami birds. He scans mounds of paperwork, then something jumps out at him. One line reads, “ELGILANM63,” or, “EL GILA, NM, 6/3.” Mahone looks at his calendar and whispers, “That’s tomorrow.” His cell phone rings, he flips it open and answers, “Pam, this isn’t a good time.” Michael answers, “Maybe I should call back.” Mahone’s jaw drops and he scans the office for anyone to motion too, but the office is empty. Mahone gets defensive; making sure Michael hasn’t hurt his family. Mahone closes his office door and then begins to hint to Mahone that he knows what happened to Oscar Shales. He tells Mahone that if he was the one that caught Shales, he couldn’t let a psychopath like that live. Not one that eluded him for so long. And a Fed wouldn’t dig up new sod in his backyard, unless he had something to hide, or bury. Mahone does his best to throw Michael off the trail, but Michael is dead on. Michael knows about the lye and that it’s caustic enough to decompose bodies. “I don’t know about you, but if I buried someone in my own backyard, I’d think about it all the time. I’d think maybe I should move that body. But then I’d remember that DNA leeches into soil. So even if the body was gone, proof of what I’d done would still be there,” Michael whispers. Mahone squirms in his seat. Michael offers Mahone an ultimatum. “Let me and my family disappear. And in return, I’ll keep your little secret.” Mahone tries to call Michael’s bluff. Michael finishes the call, telling Mahone, “Sometimes, things happen that are just out of control. This is one of them. Take care, Alex.” Mahone eyes the map and locks in on Gila. T-Bag snaps to, Geary is face-to-face with him. Bellick tells T-Bag that the Hollanders left in a hurry when they heard T-Bag was on the loose. Bellick taunts T-Bag with visions of his life with the Hollanders. Bellick gets in T-Bag’s face and tells him they found him by tracing the 52 letters he sent to Susan, that were returned and marked, “RETURN TO SENDER.” The letters begged Susan to take T-Bag back, but Susan never read them. Bellick notices T-Bag’s hand, and asks for the scissors from Geary. Bellick threatens T-Bag, either tell him where the money is, or he’s going to pull out the stitches from T-Bag’s reattached hand. T-Bag mouths off to Bellick, and Bellick rips out the first stitch. T-Bag howls in pain. Chris and Kacee wait in a parking lot for C-Note and Dede. When they arrive, Dede runs to Kacee and C-Note embraces his wife. Everything is okay, but they can’t stay there for long. Kacee looks at C-Note, “Baby, what do we do now?” C-Note looks around, a look of uncertainty washes across his face. Lincoln and LJ keep their heads down and walk through a train station. The ticket line is long, and they try and stay out of sight. A man reads a paper nearby and suddenly gets up. Lincoln keeps an eye on him. Mahone digs like a madman in his backyard beneath the bird bath. The shovel scrapes across something hard, and Mahone bends down to reveal the bones of a hand. Michael drives a long a secluded road, passing a sign that says, “GILA.” The man reading the newspaper at the train station returns, escorted by a police officer. LJ and Lincoln do their best to slowly walk away, but the officer is on to them. They make a run for it, and the officer calls for back-up. A car speeds into the street and strikes LJ, throwing him to the road. The officers race up and force Lincoln to the ground and handcuff father and son. A police walkie-talkie screeches, “Possible ID of Lincoln Burrows.” Lincoln looks to LJ and whispers, “I’m sorry…”