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[日期:2008-07-23]   [字体: ]

The bane of Italy

祸起意大利(陈继龙 编译)

Jun 29th 2006
From The Economist print edition

ALEXANDER STILLE'S new book on Silvio Berlusconi, theflamboyant[1]former Italian prime minister, is neither ab________①nor a work of investigative journalism. Its realvalueis that it represents the first attempt, in English at least, to recount in a readable fashion the story, not of Mr Berlusconi himself, but of Berlusconi-ism. (1)That gives it a wide appeal, for, as its author argues persuasively, Berlusconi-ism is the extrapolation[2]to grotesque[3]extremes of a phenomenon that has gradually, and all too imperceptibly, become widespread.

Mr Stille is at his best when he describes how a man with a corporation with billions of dollars ofd_______②succeeded in less than eight months, between 1993 and 1994, in turning himself into his country's leader. (2)Along the way, he identifies various keys to Mr Berlusconi's success.

One was theu________③application of modern business methods to Italian politics. Mr Berlusconi's campaign organisers set uppay-as-you-go[4]phone numbers so voters paid to listen to Mr Berlusconi and the stars of his television empire. Party candidates were required to spend the equivalent of $800 on a kit, similar to a salesman's kit, with a manual on how to communicate with voters. Advice included:“___________________________”(要是你上公共厕所,但厕所很脏,那就弄干净它,否则随后进来的人会以为是你弄脏的。)

(3)Then there was Mr Berlusconi's own exploitation of “anti-politics”, his depiction of himself as an outsider—a technique that allowed him to tap into a rich vein[5]of support among mainly poor, rural and poorly educated voters who distrusted the institutions.Finally, of course, there was television. Mr Stille produces evidence to demonstrate its influence: “A study of female former Christian Democrat voters showed that an astonishing 75% of those who watched four or more hours of TV a day cast theirb_______④for Berlusconi, while only 40% of those who watched two hours or less did so.”

He acknowledges that his subject's rise to power (and, to an even GREater extent, his return to power in 2001 after six years in opposition) was fostered by some of the specific characteristics of Italian society. Italians were, and are, largely unconcerned by Mr Berlusconi's conflicts of interest. Indeed, a survey during the 2001 election found that almost a quarter of voters thought that Mr Berlusconi's personal interests meant he would “govern the country better”. (4)Nor are Italians overly concerned by the sort of illegality of which their former leader has been repeatedly accused by the judiciary.Above all, though, Mr Stille argues, Italy is a “weak democracy with few institutional checks and balances.”

Mr Stille's book is ill-timed: Mr Berlusconi has just been voted out of office and, at 69, his chances of returning ares_______⑤.But the Berlusconi formula, which Mr Stille sums up as “money + media + celebrity = political power”, is by no means applicable only to Italy. Some or all of the same basic elements are there in other politicians, particularly in America: in Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Bloomberg and Jesse Ventura, a former professional wrestler who became governor of Minnesota. (5)“Silvio Berlusconi”, writes Mr Stille, “may appear at times a caricature, but in fact he is a reflection of ourselves in a fun-house mirror, our features distorted and exaggerated but distinctly recognisable.”

1. 根据首字母以及括号内的词性提示和英文释义填入单词(注意复数、时态形式变化等):
①b________(n.a book that tells what has happened in someone's life, written by someone else)
②d________(n.a sum of money that a person or organization owes)
③u________(adj.never having happened before, or never having happened so much)
④b________(n.a piece of paper on which you make a secret vote)
⑤s________ (adj.very small in amount or number [= slender])
2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):
1. flamboyant adj.behaving in a confident or exciting way that makes people notice you自命不凡的;神气活现的;浮华的;耀眼的;引人注目的
2. extrapolation n.推论,推知;外推
3. grotesque adj.非常讨厌的;无礼的;怪诞的,奇异的
4. pay-as-you-go adj.付费的(电话或网络服务)
5. a (rich) vein of(很)有几分
 ①biography 传记
②debt 债
(1)表示“某人欠的钱”:debt债 • overdraft透支 • liabilities 债务• borrowings借款 • IOU(I owe you)借据
(2)表示“欠许多钱”:be deep/heavily in debt 债台高筑• be up to your neck/ears in debt欠一屁股债
(3)表示“欠某人债”:owe 欠钱• be in debt负债 • be overdrawn透支 • be in the red 负债,亏损• be in arrears欠账 • be behind with拖欠
(4)表示“开始欠债”:get into debt负债 • run up a debt • default拖欠
③unprecedented 史无前例的,空前的(be unheard of)
④ballot 选票
〔附注〕“选举”有关的:election 选举• electoral 选举的• referendum 公投• ballot 选票;投票• polls投票站 • polling投票表决(选举) • show of hands举手表决
⑤slim 微小的;渺茫的(机会、可能)

3.If you use a public toilet and it's dirty, clean it, otherwise those who come after you will think you dirtied it.(注:答案肯定不是唯一,但至少你可以学习作者的写法)
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