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在外国出差旅行,不想带那么多现金累赘,您可以选择旅行支票或是双币信用卡。使用旅行支票就涉及到一个支票兑换的问题。下面我们就来看看来中国旅游的T女士是怎么兑换她的旅行支票的吧。 T: Hello! May I help you? 您好,您有事需要帮忙吗? C: Yes, I hope so. I need some more cash for my visit in China. May I cash a traveler\'s check here? 哦,是这样。我需要些现金,在中国游览时使用。我能在这儿兑现旅行支票吗? T (09/08/2007 07:16:02) [查看全文]
存钱对中国的老百姓来说可是一件很重要的事,似乎只有把钱存在银行里,才能感到安心。这次我们就来看看有关存钱与利息的表达。 How much do you want to deposit with us? 存多少? How much do you wish to pay into your account? 你想在户头上存多少? How much money do you plan to keep in your account on a regular basis? 你计划在你的户头上定期存放多少钱? (09/08/2007 07:16:01) [查看全文]
常见银行英语词汇-1 account number 帐目编号 depositor 存户 pay-in slip 存款单 a deposit form 存款单 a banding machine 自动存取机 to deposit 存款 deposit receipt 存款收据 private deposits 私人存款 certificate of deposit (09/08/2007 07:15:58) [查看全文]
汇票汇款例文 兹同函奉上支票面额50000元,请记入近藤幸造先生的帐款内,同时请寄收据二份为荷。 Herewith we enclose a cheque, value $50,000, which please place to the credit of Mr. K.Kondo, and acknowledge receipt to us in duplicate. 依照佐藤先生指示并受其委托,兹奉上即期汇票一纸面额200000元。请贷入该人的帐户为荷。 By order and for account of Mr.Satoh, I hand you enclos (09/08/2007 07:15:57) [查看全文]
付款用语 付款方法 mode of payment 现金付款 payment by cash||cash payment||payment by ready cash 以支票支付 payment by cheque 以汇票支付 payment by bill 以物品支付 payment in kind 付清||支付全部货款 payment in full||full payment 支付部分货款||分批付款 payment in part||part payment||partial payment 记帐 (09/08/2007 07:15:57) [查看全文]
会计报表 statement of account 往来帐目 account current 现在往来帐||存款额 current accout 销货帐 account sales 共同计算帐项 joint account 未决帐项 outstanding account 贷方帐项 credit account||creditor account 借方帐项 debit account||debtor account 应付帐||应付未付帐 account payable 应收帐||应收未收帐 account (09/08/2007 07:15:55) [查看全文]
银行业务例文 定期存款的条件为年利6%, 存期6个月以上,只要金额1,000元,我们均乐意接受。 We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1,000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a. 谨同函寄上新开定期存款第500号存折一份,面额100,000元,请查收为荷。该面额等于您寄来换新的旧存=折本金加上利息之和。 Enclosed please find a new deposit cert (09/08/2007 07:15:55) [查看全文]
汇款用语 汇款||寄钱 to remit||to send money 寄票供取款||支票支付 to send a cheque for payment 寄款人 a remitter 收款人 a remittee 汇票汇单用语 国外汇票 foreign Bill 国内汇票 inland Bill 跟单汇票 documentary bill (09/08/2007 07:15:54) [查看全文]
1.Good morning(Good afternoon ) 2.Please 3.Hello 4.Welcome 5.Welcome to deposit in ICBC 6.Welcome to use Peony Credit Card 7.Welcome to use ATM 8.Sorry 9.Please line up 10.Please wait a momen (09/08/2007 07:15:53) [查看全文]
一) They mainly trade with Japanese firms. 他们主要和日本商行进行贸易。 For the past five years, we have done a lot of trade with your company. 在过去的五年中,我们与贵国进行了大量的贸易。 Our trade is conducted on the basis of equality. 我们是在平等的基础上进行贸易。 There has been a slowdown in the wool trade with you. (09/08/2007 07:15:51) [查看全文]
Dear Sir Our client ,the China National Import & Export Corp ., have asked us for information about the Auto Engineering Co.,Ltd. in lbadan ,Nigeria as the latter would request a standing credit of USD5,000 to start business . We know the Auto Engineering Co.,Ltd ., but our knowledge of the (09/08/2007 07:15:48) [查看全文] |