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Life on-line can be a much richer experience when you aren't restricted to just written words and still pictures. Even if you're new to the Net, you've probably heard aobut multimedia on-line--listening to audio, watching animations and videos, even playing in three-dimensional space. Sound and movement make information come al (03/27/2008 08:59:37) [查看全文] ·PC:个人计算机Personal Computer ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) ·MB:主机板MotherBoard ·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive ·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory ·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory ·CD (10/16/2007 13:08:43) [查看全文] 编程 api(application programming interfaces,应用程序接口) ascii(american standard code for information interchange,美国国家标准信息交换代码) atl: activex template library(activex模板库) basic:beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code(初学者通用指令代码) com: component object model(组件对象模式) dna: distributed internet application(分布 (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] 计算机公司 ali: acer lab(宏棋实验室) asf: applied science fiction amd: advanced micro device(超微半导体) ami: american megatrends incorporated ear(extreme audio reality) hp: hewlett-packard,美国惠普公司 ibm: international business machine,国际商业机器 idg(international data group,国际数据集团) ims: international meta system (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] 打印机 aas(automatic area seagment?) dpi(dot per inch,每英寸的打印像素) ecp(extended capabilities port,延长能力端口) epp(enhanced parallel port,增强形平行接口) ipp(internet printing protocol,因特网打印协议) ppm(paper per minute,页/分) spp(standard parallel port,标准并行口) tet(text enhanced technology,文本增强技术) usbdcdpd(universal se (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] 磁盘 aat(average access time,平均存取时间) abs(auto balance system,自动平衡系统) asmo(advanced storage magneto-optical,增强形光学存储器) ast(average seek time,平均寻道时间) ata(at attachment,at扩展型) atomm(advanced super thin-layer and high-output metal media,增强形超薄高速金属媒体) bps(bit per second,位/秒) cam(common access model,公共存取 (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] abp: address bit permuting,地址位序列改变 atc(access time from clock,时钟存取时间) bsram(burst pipelined synchronous static ram,突发式管道同步静态存储器) cas(column address strobe,列地址控制器) cct(clock cycle time,时钟周期) db: deep buffer(深度缓冲) ddr sdram(double date rate,双数据率sdram) dil(dual-in-line) dimm(dual in-line memory modules,双重内嵌式内存模块) dram(dynami (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] 3dpa(3d positional audio,3d定位音频) ac(audio codec,音频多媒体数字信号编解码器) auxiliary input(辅助输入接口) cs(channel separation,声道分离) ds3d(directsound 3d streams) dsd(direct stream digital,直接数字信号流) dsl(down loadable sample,可下载的取样音色) dls-2(downloadable sounds level 2,第二代可下载音色) eax(environmental audio extensions,环境音效扩展技术) extended stereo(扩 (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] 3d:three dimensional,三维 3ds(3d subsystem,三维子系统) ae(atmospheric effects,雾化效果) afr(alternate frame rendering,交替渲染技术) anisotropic filtering(各向异性过滤) appe(advanced packet parsing engine,增强形帧解析引擎) av(analog video,模拟视频) back buffer,后置缓冲 backface culling(隐面消除) battle for eyeballs(眼球大战,各3d图形芯片公司为了争夺用户而作的竞争) bilinear filterin (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] asic: application specific integrated circuit(特殊应用积体电路) asc(auto-sizing and centering,自动调效屏幕尺寸和中心位置) asc(anti static coatings,防静电涂层) agas(anti glare anti static coatings,防强光、防静电涂层) bla: bearn landing area(电子束落区) bmc(black matrix screen,超黑矩阵屏幕) crc: cyclical redundancy check(循环冗余检查) crt(cathode ray tube,阴极射线管) ddc:display (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] adimm(advanced dual in-line memory modules,高级双重内嵌式内存模块) amr(audio/modem riser;音效/调制解调器主机板附加直立插卡) aha(accelerated hub architecture,加速中心架构) ask ir(amplitude shift keyed infra-red,长波形可移动输入红外线) atx: at extend(扩展型at) bios(basic input/output system,基本输入/输出系统) cse(configuration space enable,可分配空间) db: device bay,设备插架 dmi(desktop (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] 3dnow!(3d no waiting) alu(arithmetic logic unit,算术逻辑单元) agu(address generation units,地址产成单元) bga(ball grid array,球状矩阵排列) bht(branch prediction table,分支预测表) bpu(branch processing unit,分支处理单元) brach pediction(分支预测) cmos: complementary metal oxide semiconductor,互补金属氧化物半导体 cisc(complex instruction set computing,复杂指令集计算机) c (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] Page views(综合浏览量):网站各网页被浏览的总次数。一个访客有可能创造十几个甚至更多的PAGEVIEWS。
Impression(印象):放置广告图像的网页每一次显示, 就是一次印象。 Clicks(点击次数):每一次当访客通过点击这个横幅广告访问一次商家网页,称点击一次。点击次数可以客观准确地反映广告效果。 Clicks Ratio(点击率):是广告吸引力的一个标志。如果这个网页出现了一万次,而网页上的广告的点击次数为五百次,那么点击率即为5%。 CPM(Cost per Thousand Impressions)网上广告产生每1000个广告印象(显示)数的费用。按访问人次收费已经成为网络广 (06/09/2006 09:06:00) [查看全文] |