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总结 出广告英语在词汇﹑句法﹑篇章上的语言特点。为了使 研究 从数据出发得出 科学 结论,本文作者建立了一个拥有60篇各类广告的小型语料库。通过对此语料库中日用品广告﹑ 科技 设备广告﹑服务业广告的深入细致的定量和定性分析,总结出广告英语在此三类广告中的相同点与不同点,并且根据语言的意义,风格及功能解释广告英语的共性以及广告英语在不同类型广告中的特殊性。
本文共分五个部分,第一部分和第五部分分别为介绍与总结,中间三个部分为本文核心,分别展开广告英语在词汇﹑句法﹑篇章三个层面的分析。本文的结论均来自于对语料库的分析。整个研究从数据出发,由数据驱动,由此进行语言学上的分析与概括。 本文作者衷心希望此论文的分析结果能给英语广告的写作者以及广告英语 (01/15/2008 06:35:36) [查看全文] 3、An analysis on Four Kinds of Women Images in D.H. Lawrence’s Novels 4、One Way of Cooperative Learning in Teaching Extensive Newspaper Reading ------Jigsaw Approach 5、Ideological Similarity Between Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte 6、Cultural Approach to Translating English Idioms Into Chinese 7、Techniques in the Poems of (01/15/2008 06:35:34) [查看全文] 广告在我们今天的社会几乎是无孔不入,它的传播介质多种多样,包括报纸、杂志、电视、广播、网络等。广告具有鲜明的目的性,即说服顾客进行购买,这种目的性决定了其语言的特色性风格,使其独立于其它文体,在语言学范畴内值得研究。本文选定英语这一全球普遍使用的语言,就其应用于广告领域而产生的一些语言学特点和广告本身的社会性特点进行深入分析,希望能对相关领域的研究有一定的借鉴作用和参考价值。 本文共分为五章,第一章追溯了广告的起源,对广告的分类、作用及定义做了简单概要;第二章介绍了广告和文体学的基本定义,广告中,文字和图像的完美结合取决于创意和所用媒体,但它们共同组成了广告语言;第三章从句法学、修辞学、词汇学等理论切入,用大量例子分析了广告英语的语言特点,并从语篇分析的角度对其语言特点进行了剖 (01/15/2008 06:35:34) [查看全文] 摘要 “身势语”同语言一样,都是文化的一部分。在不同文化中,身势语的意义并不完全相同。各民族有不同的非语言交际方式.例如:不同的民族在谈话时,对双方保持多大距离才合适有不同的看法;谈话双方身体接触的次数多少因文化不同而各异;在目光接触这一方面也有许多规定:看不看对方,什么时候看,看多久,什么人可以看,什么人不可以看;在某些场合下,在中国和讲英语的国家无论微笑还是大笑,通常表示友好﹑赞同﹑满意﹑高兴﹑愉快,但是在某些场合,中国人的笑会引起西方人的反感;打手势时动作稍有不同,就会与原来的意图有所区别,对某种手势理解错了,也会引起意外的反应等等。因此,要用外语进行有效的交际,在说某种语言时就得了解说话人的手势,动作,举止等所表示的意思。而有些权威人士认为两者相互依存。在大多数情况下这是 (01/15/2008 06:35:32) [查看全文] Why should we write the thesis? To write a thesis before graduation is a must for every university graduate. By writing a thesis, we may get some experience and some basic methods for further theoretical study and research and the ability to solve problems. It is the reflectio (01/15/2008 06:35:31) [查看全文] Chapter 1
Does language shape culture or does culture shape language? In my view, language is a mirror, in front of which culture is reflected. As a student majoring in Chinese as a foreign language, I’d like to take this advantage to discuss the cultural differences between Chinese and English. In the following passage, I am go (01/15/2008 06:35:29) [查看全文] 关键词:汉语干扰 错误 分析
Abstract: The paper presents some typical errors in students’ compositions and analyses the causes of their incorrect expressions. It aims to give strategies of avoiding making mistakes, to improve the students’ writing level and to achieve good results in the English writing cour (01/15/2008 06:35:28) [查看全文] He that hath wife and children, hath given hostages to fortune(1); for they are impediments(2) to great enterprises, either of virtue, or mischief. Certainly, the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmar ried or childless men, which both in affection, and means, have married and endow ed the public. Yet it wer (07/03/2007 06:27:24) [查看全文] 关键词: 英语专业 毕业论文范文 english paper
T (06/19/2007 08:18:42) [查看全文] Introduction The Internet is changing the way customers, suppliers, and companies interact to conduct business, communicate, and collaborate. It also changes the way we interact, learn, communicate and negotiate. At the same time, new consumer patterns are emerging due to the Internet and e-commerce. An increasing number of enterpris (06/19/2007 08:18:07) [查看全文] 中国茶文化
学生姓名: XXX 学 号: 04D2301009 班 级: 04旅游英语1班 专业方向 _________________ 指导老师: XXX 老师 总评成绩 ________________ 湖北省经济管理干部学院南湖校区外语系 2007年__月 The Cultu (06/19/2007 08:17:17) [查看全文] (06/13/2007 08:21:40) [查看全文] A Stylistic Analysis of Martin Luther King’s
I HAVE A DREAM Abstract: On the base of the definition of stylistics, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of some the of stylistic devices used in the famous speech by the well-known American civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and then probes into the styli (06/13/2007 08:19:12) [查看全文] Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge for Thesis Writing Why should we write the thesis? To write a thesis before graduation is a must for every university graduate. By writing a thesis, we may get some experience and some basic methods for further theoretical study and research and the ability to solve problems. (06/13/2007 08:18:35) [查看全文] |