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In 1948, a group of Jewish people who felt the need for a safe homeland created a new nation. The nation, called Israel( (05/02/2007 07:54:03) [查看全文] The great deeds of Wallace have been told by many people. One of the earli (05/02/2007 07:54:03) [查看全文] 拥有奴隶的多少成为葡萄牙人显示权威的一种象征,西班牙人用奴隶做些什么?那些残暴的奴隶主是用什么手段来让这些可怜的人们完成繁重的工作 (05/02/2007 07:54:02) [查看全文] 工作是人生的大事,可要想寻找到一份较好的工作你要提供的东西很多,其中很重要的一个就是个人简历。个人简历要如何写?它包含的内容又有哪些呢?
Looking for a job in the United States has become very easy in recent years. Because of an economic boom1 in the US, there has been very low unemployment. The low unemployment rate means that there are more jobs to fill. There are many different ways to sear (04/30/2007 09:33:54) [查看全文] Chinese scientists would select 30 volunteers to undergo clinical(临床的) tests for a SARS vaccine, said sources with China's SARS vaccine research team. The team has drawn up an implementation(执行) plan to conduct clinical research for an effective SARS vaccine. (04/30/2007 09:33:54) [查看全文] “You speak perfect English!”That is the hottest phrase for students in the chilly winter camp located in Harbin. Facing so many wonderful English learners all over the country, campers felt proud and surprised. Proud, because at least I was one of the fantastic group; surprised, because I am really curious abo (04/30/2007 09:33:53) [查看全文] Nearly one-quarter of Guangzhou homebuyers face lawsuits(诉讼) (04/30/2007 09:33:52) [查看全文] 早在17世纪中叶,船员们经常会因为一种怪病而死在船上,究竟这种病缘于何因?又是如何发现的呢? (04/30/2007 09:33:52) [查看全文] 爆米花现在已经成了人们日常生活中的常见食品,无论在超市还是街边都可以买得到,你想知道谁第一个发现了玉米可以爆出米花的吗?你知道美洲的印第安人装爆米花用的是什么袋子吗?赶快与我一同“走进生活”! (04/30/2007 09:33:51) [查看全文] Hi everyone. I am Brian from Inner Mongolia. I am the luc (04/30/2007 09:33:51) [查看全文] 旅游已是人们的时尚话题,它不仅可以减轻你紧张的工作和学习上带来的压力,也可以让你了解大千世界的精彩纷呈,旅游有远有近,方式也是各异。试试在春暖花开的时节,找一个有山有水的地方搭一个小帐篷,在蓝天白云下举杯与亲朋畅饮,谈天说地,可真是别有一番滋味在心头呀! (04/30/2007 09:33:50) [查看全文] |