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在水的循环过程中evaporation, condensation 和 precipitation都具体指哪一过程?transpiration又代表什么呢?
    The water cycle is an exciting and continuous process. The water cycle is the movement of water in the environment by evaporation,condensation, and precipitation. The warm sun causes water on the earth to evaporate(t
(04/29/2007 08:39:29) [查看全文]

As you move around your home, take a good look at the things you have. It is likely that your living room will have a television set and a video, and your kitchen a washing machine and a microwave oven. Your bedroom drawers will be filled with almost three times as many c
(04/28/2007 08:34:01) [查看全文]
There is a story of a country where the rate of inflation(通货膨胀)is so high that clever people pay for a taxi ride before the trip instead of after.The story may or may not be true.Inflation was almost that serious in Germany from July,1920 until December,1923.Prices went up so fast that by the end of 1923 they were 50 billion percent high
(04/28/2007 08:34:01) [查看全文]
  Aristotle summed up the four qualities of money some 2,000 years ago.It must be lasting and easy to recognize,to divide,and to carry about.When we think of money today,we picture it either as round,flat pieces of metal which we call coins or as printed paper notes.But there are still parts of the world today where coi
(04/28/2007 08:34:00) [查看全文]

"What part of the states do you come from?"
"I'm not American. I'm Canadian."
This is a mistake that Europeans often make. Many Americans, too, admit that it takes them a while to tell if it's an American talking or a Cana
(04/28/2007 08:34:00) [查看全文]

Time talks. It speaks more plainly than words. Time communicates in many ways.
Consider the different parts of the day, for example. The time of the day when something is done can give a special meaning to the event. Factory ma
(04/28/2007 08:33:59) [查看全文]
  There is a very simple way of measuring the height of a water-tower,which we cannot measure by climbing.
    Suppose,for example,that we wish to find out the height of the water-tower,AB,in a factory.We first of all go to where the water-tower is standing and measure a distance of,say,90 feet from it,in a straig
(04/28/2007 08:33:57) [查看全文]
In the winter,skiing is traditionally a popular sport for people of all ages who like to be outdoors.People take their ski equipment and head for the mountains.But these days,skiers are not the only people on the hills.Snowboarders are joining the skiers for some winter thrills.Snowboarding is fun and exciting.It is like surfing on the s
(04/28/2007 08:33:56) [查看全文]

Although gifts play an important role in business around the world, you run the risk of offending a colleague
(04/28/2007 08:33:55) [查看全文]

Friendship is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust.
(04/28/2007 08:33:55) [查看全文]

STUDY Read these sentences carefully.
(04/28/2007 08:33:54) [查看全文]

The people in America and
(04/28/2007 08:33:54) [查看全文]

(04/28/2007 08:33:53) [查看全文]

66.This passage gives advice on fire safety for ____  .
A.people using a new kind of equipment
B.workers in an engineering factory
C.young ch
(04/26/2007 06:35:39) [查看全文]
When a job opening is advertised,there are often a lot of people interested in applying.Many job hunters send in their resumes(简历)and apply for the same position.Sometimes a company will receive hundreds of resumes for a single job opening.The job interview,therefore,is very important.In theinterview,an applicant must demonst
(04/26/2007 06:35:38) [查看全文]
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