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Nearly all the land in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is hilly and covered with dense1 forest. But tucked away here and there between (04/29/2007 08:39:37) [查看全文] 每个人都爱自己的祖国,当你的祖国被别国统治时,无形之中你便成了奴隶。为了尊严应勇敢地去争取自由与和平…… A young man had been out fishing in the river near his home. He caught several fish and put them in his basket to take back. As he walked home again, a group of men stopped him. (04/29/2007 08:39:36) [查看全文] 碰巧的事儿发生了,农夫所给的暗示还真让她找到了山羊,为了表示感谢,她要给他一只受了伤的山羊,就是这只受伤的山羊成了俩人矛盾的开始,聪明的酋长是怎样解决这场冲突的呢?他真的英明过人吗? The farmer looked at the kid. He had not heard anything the woman said. He thought she was blaming him for injuring the kid. “Don't blame me,” he said, (04/29/2007 08:39:36) [查看全文] Usually, students travel to classrooms. But sometimes schools come to students. All over the world , schools use radio, television, and computers to make “virtual classrooms.” These are classrooms made by connecting teachers and students who are in different locations. The Katherine School of the Air call (04/29/2007 08:39:35) [查看全文]
(A) Laptop(便携式)computers are popular all over the world.People use themontrains and airplanes,in airports and hotels.These laptops conne (04/29/2007 08:39:35) [查看全文] 阅读下列短文,选出可以回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 (C) The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to filma beautifulsunset over the ocean so that the audiences(观众)could see his hero and heroine infront of it at the end of the filmas they said goodbye to each other for eve (04/29/2007 08:39:34) [查看全文] (A) How to Solve Personal Problems By Robert Millward Some people who find themselves unable to solve a problem react(反应) by just giving up. But it is not good (04/29/2007 08:39:33) [查看全文] ( A ) A linguist, an expert on languages, is always listening, never off-duty. I invited a group of friends round to my house, telling them that I was going to record their speech. I said I was interested in their regional accents(地方口音), and that it would take only a few minutes. Thus, one eveni (04/29/2007 08:39:32) [查看全文] 生活在北美的大学生暑假生活长达三个月之久,近年来有许多学生用这段时间旅游、求学或者在国外工作。这段经历对于学生开阔视野以及日后寻找工作大有裨益。
College students in North America usually have a three month summer break. In recent years more and more students have been traveling, studying, or working abroad during this time. It helps to enhance1 their univ (04/29/2007 08:39:31) [查看全文] Can you think of three reasons for and three reasons against using animals in medical research? Every year about seventeen million animals are used in laboratory experiments. But in many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the right to use animals (04/29/2007 08:39:31) [查看全文] Here is another story about the same young man. It was market day in the little town of Lanark, and the country people had come in from the farms around about to sell their produce to the townsfolk(镇民). Merchants set up their stalls by the town cross to sell clothes, knives, spice and wine. Tinkers(补工) came to (04/29/2007 08:39:30) [查看全文] 救华莱士的妇人被处以死刑,当华莱士听到此事后当夜来到Lanark,为那位妇人报了仇。华莱士不是一般的草寇,他的心中有伟大的理想。
King Edward's chief man in Lanark was Sheriff Hazelrigg. It was his job to keep people in order. He arrested the woman who had rescued Wallace and had her put to death. The townspeople were horrified but could do nothing to pre (04/29/2007 08:39:30) [查看全文] |