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In the simplest English, a well-expressed and clearly pronounced "Thank you" will work wonders and will show your helpmate or who ever that you appreciate what they have done for you or what they have given you. To refresh your memory here are some of the basic forms of thanks: Thank (05/02/2007 07:56:56) [查看全文] What we've looked at are expressions which can be used either when we've been helped or when we've been given something. How about thanking someone for a gift? Know any good ways?Have you seen these? How wonderful! What a lovely gift! This i (05/02/2007 07:56:56) [查看全文] Foreigners, at least English-speaking foreigners, thank people for the least thing. When they want to buy something in a shop. For example, they are usually very polite. They ask to look at something. The assistant hands the article to them."Thank you" they say. They thank the assistant. They give the assistant the money, "Thank yo (05/02/2007 07:56:56) [查看全文] 近几年的高考阅读理解题越来越重视对考生猜词悟义能力的考查,一般有三个小题直接考查猜测词义,再加上阅读过程中碰到的生僻词汇,使得许多同学对阅读理解产生畏惧心理。其实,阅读理解中的许多“生词”都是我们平时常见的熟词通过合成、派生、转化等而生成的,同学们只要熟知构词法,完全能够解决。另有个别确属生词,同学们可灵活运用猜词技巧,联系上下文猜出其意思。本文拟介绍一些常用的猜测词义的技巧,希望对同学们有所帮助。 一、根据上下文解释进行猜测 (05/02/2007 07:56:55) [查看全文] 近年来,高考阅读理解已成为高考中的重点和难点,其难度和篇幅都在不断加大。这就需要考生在有限的时间内既迅速而又准确地完成阅读任务。如果采用传统阅读方法,通过学习词汇和进行语法分析来学习阅读是收不到预期效果的,只有通过学习阅读技巧,才能达到提高阅读理解能力和提高阅读速度的目的,因此快速阅读技巧就显得更有必要性了。 所谓快速阅读就是利用视觉运动的规律,通过一定的方法训练,在较短的时间里阅读大量的书报资料的一种科学的学习方法。快速阅读这一概念的内涵应由以下几 (05/02/2007 07:56:54) [查看全文] 英语口试的主要内容基本上分为两部分。第一部分是以一篇150词左右的小短文为基础,要求考生朗读指定的部分,并能在不看短文的情况下回答主考老师就短文内容提出的几个问题。这部分内容主要考查考生的语音、语调以及对短文的理解程度,是口试的主体部分。口试的另一部分和小短文没有直接的关系,但有一定的联系,是就日常生活、校园生活及简单的社会问题等方面提出一个可供考生自由发挥的话题,要求考生在两分钟之内,最少用十句话做一个简短的口头小作文。该题型着重测试考生的口头说话和组织语言的能力。整个口述应力求条理清晰、表达自然、句型规范、用词恰当,使口述材料具有良好的连贯性与流畅感。
(05/02/2007 07:56:54) [查看全文] 英语口试着重考查考生英语的听、说能力,其中包括对语音、语调、词汇、语速和语感的考查。这就要求考生在日常学习中必须不断地积累语音、词汇、语法知识;必须注重在长期学习过程中加强动手、动口、动脑的良好习惯。而听说是语言应用的重要方面,听说的训练直接关系到英语口试的成败。因此,在平时的口语训练中,需要注意以下几个方面。
1、强化语音语调,加大朗读训练。 语音语调的考查主要是考查学生发音要准确、清晰,语调要自然流畅。学生朗读时能恰当地运用意群断句,连读自然正确。因此平时的训练中要多听录音。录音的内容可以多种多样,可以听单词辨音,也可以听一些连贯的词组,听 (05/02/2007 07:56:54) [查看全文] Hello! Glad to see you —— These words I'm sure make you feel very- happy. They should! They are very important. Yes, they are very important and that's why they feature in Chapter One of this spoken English course."Hello" is probably the most common greeting in all the English-speaking countries. You (05/02/2007 07:56:53) [查看全文] Other greetings can be used according to the situation and according to your relationship with the
other person. It is true that foreigners don't usually ask each other if they have eaten...bul other forms of social exchange are quite similar to those used by Chinese people. You may like to memorize some of t (05/02/2007 07:56:52) [查看全文] 通过研究近几年的高考英语阅读理解题,我们不难看出NMET阅读理解题命题的特点和发展趋势。了解这些特点和趋势,可以为今后的高考备考提供很好的借鉴作用。 (04/30/2007 10:01:35) [查看全文] Is euthanasia~ humane? Arguments 1. Euthanasia is humane because it helps to hasten~ the death of terminally~ ill patients. 2. Death, as natural as birth, is sometimes a hard process that requires assistance, and euthanasia is part (04/30/2007 10:01:33) [查看全文] |