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7、 The terrible secret When the children first went to live at the white house, they talked about Father a lot and were always asking questions about him. But as time passed, their questions seemed to make Mother unhappy, so they stopped asking them. But they never forgot him. Bobbie thought about Father often. (08/17/2007 08:30:04) [查看全文]
6、 A birthday for perks It was breakfast-time and Mother was smiling. ‘I’ve sold another story, darlings,’she said.‘We can have cakes for tea.’ The three children looked at each other. Then Bobbie said,‘Can we have the cakes on Thursday instead of today? It’s Perks’s birthday on Thursday.’ ‘How do (08/17/2007 08:30:00) [查看全文]
3、老先生 孩子们已经离不开铁路了,他们很快摸清了经过这里的列车的时间。上午9:15和10:07各有一趟,半夜还有一趟,那趟列车有时会把他们从梦中吵醒。 这天早晨,他们都坐在篱笆上,等9点15分那趟列车,正在这时,菲利斯说:“这车是去伦敦的,爸爸还在那里呢。待会儿火车经过的时候,我们一起对它招手吧。也许这是一辆有魔力的火车,能把我们的爱带给爸爸。” 于是,当9点15分那趟列车从隧道中呼啸而出的时候,三个孩子就对着它招手…… ……竟然有一只手在回应他们!那只手里合着一张报纸,是一位老先生的手。 这位老先生每天都乘坐这趟9点15分的火车。他满头白发,样子很慈祥,很快他们每天 (08/17/2007 08:29:55) [查看全文]
3、The old gentleman The children could not keep away from the railway, and they soon got to know the trains that passed by. There was the 9.15and the 10.07, and the midnight train that sometimes woke them from their dreams. One morning they were sitting on the fence, waiting for the 9.15 , when Phyllis said, ‘It (08/17/2007 08:29:54) [查看全文]
2、彼得与煤 “你们一直盼着有什么事情发生,”妈妈一边说着,一边重新点着了蜡烛,“现在终于发生了。这是个奇遇,对吗?我告诉过瓦伊尼夫人,让她给我们准备好晚饭。我猜想她一定是把饭放在另一个房间里了。我们过去看看吧。” 他们在那个房间里找了找,没有找到晚饭。 “这个女人太可恶了!”妈妈说,“她把钱拿走了,但一点儿吃的也没有给我们准备!” “那我们就没有晚饭吃了。”菲利斯沮丧地说。 “不,我们有东西可吃,”妈妈回答,“我们可以打开一个箱子,那里面装着一些从老房子带来的食物。” 他们还在箱子中找出了蜡烛,女孩子们把它们点着。随后,博比又找来一些煤和木头,生起了火。那是一顿 (08/17/2007 08:29:52) [查看全文]
2、Peter and the coal ‘You’ve often wanted something to happen,’said Mother, lighting the candle again.‘And now it has. This is an adventure, isn’t It ? I told Mrs Viney to leave our supper ready. I suppose she’s put it in the other room. Let’s go and see.’ They looked in the other room, but found no supper. (08/17/2007 08:29:51) [查看全文]
NORBERT THE NORWEGIAN RIDGEBACK Quirrell, however, must have been braver than they\'d thought. In the weeks that followed he did seem to be getting paler and thinner, but it didn\'t look as though he\'d cracked yet. Every time they passed the third-floor corridor, Harry, Ron, and Hermione would (08/16/2007 09:49:23) [查看全文]
尾声 十九年之后 秋天好像来得很突然。九月的第一个早晨如同苹果般清新。在清凉的空气中,汽车的尾气和人们的呼吸就像蜘蛛吐丝一样。一家子人正穿过熙熙攘攘的街道向那烟雾缭绕的车站走去。父母二人推着两辆载满了沉重行李的小车,最顶上有两个大笼子,里面的猫头鹰愤怒的叫着,一个红头发的女孩在她的两个哥哥后面拖拖沓沓地走着,抓着她父亲的胳膊。 “要不了多久,你也会去哪儿的。”哈利对她说。 “还要两年呢,”莉莉不满地说,“我现在就要去!” 路人好奇地盯着猫头鹰,看到这一家子人正在第九和第十站台之间徘徊。阿不思又开始再哈利身后嚷嚷着,他的儿子们仍在继续着从一上车 (08/16/2007 09:49:17) [查看全文]
Epilogue Nineteen Years Later Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first of September was crisp as an apple, and as the little family bobbed across the rumbling road toward the great sooty station, the fumes of car exhausts and the breath of pedes (08/16/2007 09:49:16) [查看全文]
第三十六章 百密一疏 哈利再一次感到自己面朝下地倒在了地上,森林的气味充斥鼻间,他感觉到面颊贴在寒冷坚硬的地面上,眼镜腿也在他摔倒的时候被撞歪了,卡在太阳穴上。他身体上每一寸肌肤都在疼,那个被死咒击中的部位就像被利器刺中了一样剧痛。但他一动也没动地呆在原地,左臂古怪地扭曲着,嘴巴大张。 他本以为能听到庆祝他死亡的欢呼声,但空气中却充斥着匆忙的脚步声、耳语声和热切的低语声。 “主人……我的主人……” 那是贝拉特里克斯的声音,她像是在对自己的爱人说话一般。哈利不敢睁开眼睛,但他还是在用其它感官去探知自己的险境。他知道魔杖还在他的袍子里,因为他能感觉 (08/16/2007 09:49:12) [查看全文]
He was flying facedown on the grond again. The smell of the forest filled his nostrils. He could feel the cold hard ground beneath his cheek, and the hinge of his glasses which have been knocked sideways (08/16/2007 09:49:07) [查看全文]
第三十五章 国王十字车站 他趴在地上,想在这一片寂静中听见哪怕一点点的声音。但他确实是一个人。没有人在监视他,也没有其他的任何人在这儿。甚至他自己都无法完全肯定他是不是在这儿。 很长一段时间过去了,不过可能也只是一会儿的工夫,一个想法出现在他的脑海里:他必须活下去。这个想法比任何别的想法都实在,因为他躺着,实实在在地躺着,在某个未知的平面上,他还有触觉,而他躺在上面的那个东西也是实实在在地存在着的。 几乎在他下定结论的同时,哈利意识到他是赤裸着的。但是由于完全确信了这里只有他一个人,所以这对于他来说就无所谓了,这并没有激起他的一点兴趣。他只想知道,既然他有触觉,那他 (08/16/2007 09:47:50) [查看全文]
King\'s Cross He lay facedown, listening to the silence. He was perfectly alone. Nobody was watching. Nobody else was there. He was not perfectly sure that he was there himself. A long time later, or maybe no time at all, it came to him that he must exist, (08/16/2007 09:47:44) [查看全文]
第三十四章 禁林再现 原来,这才是真相。哈利躺在那个他曾经以为自己洞悉了胜利秘密的办公室里,把脸埋进一条脏兮兮的毯子,终于明白了自己注定无法幸存。他所要做的,只是平静地走进死神欢迎的怀抱当中。在赴死之前,他还要切断伏地魔与人间残留的那一点儿联系。这样,当最后他没有任何防备的来到伏地魔面前时,一切就可以彻彻底底地结束了。 他在高锥克山谷就应该完成的工作到那时也就结束了。两个人都将死去,无一生还。他感到心脏在胸腔中怦怦地跳动着。真是奇怪,此刻他心中充满了对死亡的恐惧,然而他的心脏却跳动得如此有力,支撑着他活下去。但是,它就要停止工作了,而且很快就要。时日无多了。假如 (08/16/2007 09:47:33) [查看全文]
Finally, the truth. Lying with his face pressed into the dusty carpet of the office where he had once thought he was learning the secrets of victory, Harry understood at last that he was not supposed to survive. His job was to walk calmly into Death\'s welcoming arms. Along the way, he was to dispose of Voldemort\'s remaining (08/16/2007 09:47:32) [查看全文] |