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大卫·修莫写真图集 中文姓名:大卫·修莫 英文姓名:David Schwimmer 出生时间:1969年11月2日 出生地点:纽约 【主要作品】 1999年 《纳粹高徒》 1998年 《六天七夜》 1996年 《抬棺人》 电视剧:《兄弟连》 罗斯为莫妮卡的哥哥,于高中时即暗恋妹妹的同学瑞秋,但始终不敢表达。他做事有点一板一眼,不能忍受他人违反秩序;爸妈眼中的优等生,从小得奖犹如家常便饭;不同于钱德和乔伊,他甚是专情,在美国这样一个性开放的国家中不一样的男人;非常疼爱他的儿子本;养过一直叫作“ (08/13/2007 06:32:37) [查看全文]
老友记fans该知道的100件事 This was taken from article an in Radio Times on the 28/7/97. It contains nearly all of the information that all you real friends fans should know. I hope you like it, as a lot of being nice to people, (and begging) got me a copy, and it took ages for me to type out. (08/13/2007 06:32:37) [查看全文]
antique’s NO.1 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate 补充介绍一下Friends的官方站点,Url是[url]http://www.nbc.com/friends[/url], 如果有什么纠纷,相信那里是最权威的地方查阅了,另外,在世博英语[url]http://www.360abc.com[/url]发现了一个用Friends学习英语的系列,大家也可以去那里看看。 记得刚开始看时,有个问题总是让我困惑,即为什么每一集(episode)的名字都叫做"The One ****",后来总算搞清楚了,原来它是the one with... 或者th (08/13/2007 06:32:36) [查看全文]
听力材料地址:[url]http://www.ebigear.com/ResHtml/4/499/7777700009319.html[/url] 923原文如下: 923 The One In Barbados - Part 1[Scene: Central Perk]Joey: (entering) Hey! I'm all packed and ready to go! (08/13/2007 06:32:36) [查看全文]
CHAPTER 61 Princess Sophie. Sophie felt hollow as she listened to the clicking of Teabing's crutches fade down the hallway. Numb, she turned and faced Langdon in the deserted ballroom. He was already shaking his head as if reading her mind. "No, Sophie," he whispered, his eyes reassuring. "Th (08/13/2007 06:32:34) [查看全文]
CHAPTER 21 The Mona Lisa. For an instant, standing in the exit stairwell, Sophie forgot all about trying to leave the Louvre. Her shock over the anagram was matched only by her embarrassment at not having deciphered the message herself. Sophie's expertise in complex cryptanalysis had caused her to overloo (08/13/2007 06:32:32) [查看全文]
The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown FOR BLYTHE... AGAIN. MORE THAN EVER. Acknowledgments First and foremost, to my friend and editor, Jason Kaufman, for working so hard on this project and for truly understanding what this book is all about. And to the incomparable Heide Lange-tireless champion of The Da Vinci (08/13/2007 06:32:31) [查看全文]
光影时代-专业英文剧本下载/影评基地 K555.Cn
(08/13/2007 06:32:29) [查看全文]
光影时代-专业英文剧本下载/影评基地 K555.Cn
(08/13/2007 06:32:28) [查看全文] |