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CHAPTER IV COMPOSITION OF THE TROUPE These four ruffians formed a sort of Proteus, winding like a serpent among the police, and striving to escape Vidocq's indiscreet glances "under divers forms, tree, flame, fountain," lending each other their names and their traps, hiding in their own shadows (03/24/2008 06:35:17) [查看全文] CHAPTER III BABET, GUEULEMER, CLAQUESOUS, AND MONTPARNASSE A quartette of ruffians, Claquesous, Gueulemer, Babet, and Montparnasse governed the third lower floor of Paris, from 1830 to 1835. Gueulemer was a Hercules of no defined position. For his lair he had the sewer of the (03/24/2008 06:35:16) [查看全文] CHAPTER II THE LOWEST DEPTHS There disinterestedness vanishes. The demon is vaguely outlined; each one is for himself. The _I_ in the eyes howls, seeks, fumbles, and gnaws. The social Ugolino is in this gulf. The wild spectres who roam in this grave, almost beasts, almost phanto (03/24/2008 06:35:15) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI TAKEN PRISONER On one of the last days of the second week, Marius was seated on his bench, as usual, holding in his hand an open book, of which he had not turned a page for the last two hours. All at once he started. An event was taking place at the other extremity of the walk. Leblanc and his (03/24/2008 06:28:10) [查看全文] CHAPTER V DIVRS CLAPS OF THUNDER FALL ON MA'AM BOUGON On the following day, Ma'am Bougon, as Courfeyrac styled the old portress-principal-tenant, housekeeper of the Gorbeau hovel,Ma'am Bougon, whose name was, in reality, Madame Burgon, as we have found out, but this iconoclast, Courfeyrac, respected noth (03/24/2008 06:28:09) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV BEGINNING OF A GREAT MALADY On the following day, at the accustomed hour, Marius drew from his wardrobe his new coat, his new trousers, his new hat, and his new boots; he clothed himself in this complete panoply, put on his gloves, a tremendous luxury, and set off for the Luxembourg. (03/24/2008 06:28:06) [查看全文] CHAPTER II LUX FACTA EST During the second year, precisely at the point in this history which the reader has now reached, it chanced that this habit of the Luxembourg was interrupted, without Marius himself being quite aware why, and nearly six months elapsed, during which he did not set foot in the alley. One day, at l (03/24/2008 06:28:04) [查看全文] BOOK SIXTH.--THE CONJUNCTION OF TWO STARS CHAPTER I THE SOBRIQUET: MODE OF FORMATION OF FAMILY NAMES Marius was, at this epoch, a handsome young man, of medium stature,with thick and intensely black hair, a lofty and intelligent brow,well-opened and passionate nostrils, an air o (03/24/2008 06:28:02) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI THE SUBSTITUTE It chanced that the regiment to which Lieutenant Theodule belonged came to perform garrison duty in Paris. This inspired Aunt Gillenormand with a second idea. She had, on the first occasion, hit upon the plan of having Marius spied upon by Theodule; now she plotted to have Theodul (03/24/2008 06:28:01) [查看全文] CHAPTER V POVERTY A GOOD NEIGHBOR FOR MISERY Marius liked this candid old man who saw himself gradually falling into the clutches of indigence, and who came to feel astonishment, little by little, without, however, being made melancholy by it. Marius met Courfeyrac and sought out M. Mabeuf. Very rarely, ho (03/24/2008 06:27:59) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV M. MABEUF On the day when M. Mabeuf said to Marius: "Certainly I approve of political opinions," he expressed the real state of his mind. All political opinions were matters of indifference to him, and he approved them all, without distinction, provided they left him in peace, as the (03/24/2008 06:27:58) [查看全文] CHAPTER III MARIUS GROWN UP At this epoch, Marius was twenty years of age. It was three years since he had left his grandfather. Both parties had remained on the same terms, without attempting to approach each other, and without seeking to see each other. Besides, what was the use of seeing each other? Marius was the (03/24/2008 06:27:56) [查看全文] CHAPTER II MARIUS POOR It is the same with wretchedness as with everything else. It ends by becoming bearable. It finally assumes a form, and adjusts itself. One vegetates, that is to say, one develops in a certain meagre fashion, which is, however, sufficient for life. This is the mode in which the exis (03/24/2008 06:27:54) [查看全文] BOOK FIFTH.--THE EXCELLENCE OF MISFORTUNE CHAPTER I MARIUS INDIGENT Life became hard for Marius. It was nothing to eat his clothes and his watch. He ate of that terrible, inexpressible thing that is called de la vache enrage; that is to say, he endured great hardships and priva (03/24/2008 06:27:51) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI RES ANGUSTA That evening left Marius profoundly shaken, and with a melancholy shadow in his soul. He felt what the earth may possibly feel, at the moment when it is torn open with the iron, in order that grain may be deposited within it; it feels only the wound; the quiver of the germ and the joy of the fru (03/24/2008 06:27:49) [查看全文] |