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CHAPTER V ENLARGEMENT OF HORIZON The shocks of youthful minds among themselves have this admirable property, that one can never foresee the spark, nor divine the lightning flash. What will dart out presently? No one knows. The burst of laughter starts from a tender feeling. At the moment of (03/24/2008 06:27:48) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV THE BACK ROOM OF THE CAFE MUSAIN One of the conversations among the young men, at which Marius was present and in which he sometimes joined, was a veritable shock to his mind. This took place in the back room of the Cafe Musain. Nearly all the Friends of the A B C ha (03/24/2008 06:27:46) [查看全文] CHAPTER III MARIUS' ASTONISHMENTS In a few days, Marius had become Courfeyrac's friend. Youth is the season for prompt welding and the rapid healing of scars. Marius breathed freely in Courfeyrac's society, a decidedly new thing for him. Courfeyrac put no questions to him. He did not even t (03/24/2008 06:27:45) [查看全文] CHAPTER II BLONDEAU'S FUNERAL ORATION BY BOSSUET On a certain afternoon, which had, as will be seen hereafter, some coincidence with the events heretofore related, Laigle de Meaux was to be seen leaning in a sensual manner against the doorpost of the Cafe Musain. He had the air of a caryati (03/24/2008 06:27:44) [查看全文] 一 一个几乎留名后世的组织 这时代,表面上平静无事,暗地里却奔流着某种革命的震颤。来自八九和九三深谷的气流回到了空中。青年一代,请允许我们这样说,进入了发身期。他们随着时间的行进,几乎是不自觉地在起着变化。在时钟面上走动的针也在人的心里走动。每个人都迈出了他必须迈出的脚步。保王派成了自由派,自由派也成了民主派。 那好象是阵高涨中的海潮,东奔西突,百转千回,回转的特点便是交融,从而出现了一些非常奇特的思想的汇合,人们竟在崇拜拿破仑的同时也崇拜自由。我们在这里谈点历史。这正是那个时代的幻觉,见解的形成总得经过不同的阶段。伏尔泰保王主义,这一异种曾有过一个和它门 (03/24/2008 06:27:41) [查看全文] BOOK FOURTH.--THE FRIENDS OF THE A B C CHAPTER I A GROUP WHICH BARELY MISSED BECOMING HISTORIC At that epoch, which was, to all appearances indifferent, a certain revolutionary quiver was vaguely current. Breaths which had started forth from the depths of '89 and (03/24/2008 06:27:40) [查看全文] CHAPTER VIII MARBLE AGAINST GRANITE It was hither that Marius had come on the first occasion of his absenting himself from Paris. It was hither that he had come every time that M. Gillenormand had said: "He is sleeping out." Lieutenant Theodule was abso (03/24/2008 06:27:38) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII SOME PETTICOAT We have mentioned a lancer. He was a great-grand-nephew of M. Gillenormand, on the paternal side, who led a garrison life, outside the family and far from the domestic hearth. Lieutenant Theodule Gillenormand fulfilled all the condition (03/24/2008 06:27:36) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI THE CONSEQUENCES OF HAVING MET A WARDEN Where it was that Marius went will be disclosed a little further on. Marius was absent for three days, then he returned to Paris, went straight to the library of the law-school and asked for the files of the Moni (03/24/2008 06:27:35) [查看全文] CHAPTER V THE UTILITY OF GOING TO MASS, IN ORDER TO BECOME A REVOLUTIONIST Marius had preserved the religious habits of his childhood. One Sunday, when he went to hear mass at Saint-Sulpice, at that same chapel of the Virgin whither his aunt had led him when a small lad, he placed himself b (03/24/2008 06:27:34) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV END OF THE BRIGAND The conclusion of Marius' classical studies coincided with M. Gillenormand's departure from society. The old man bade farewell to the Faubourg Saint-Germain and to Madame de T.'s salon, and established himself in the Mardis, in his house of the Rue des Filles-d (03/24/2008 06:27:32) [查看全文] CHAPTER III REQUIESCANT Madame de T.'s salon was all that Marius Pontmercy knew of the world. It was the only opening through which he could get a glimpse of life. This opening was sombre, and more cold than warmth, more night than day, came to him through this skylight. This child, who had (03/24/2008 06:27:31) [查看全文] CHAPTER II ONE OF THE RED SPECTRES OF THAT EPOCH Any one who had chanced to pass through the little town of Vernon at this epoch, and who had happened to walk across that fine monumental bridge, which will soon be succeeded, let us hope, by some hideous iron cable bridge, might have observe (03/24/2008 06:27:29) [查看全文] CHAPTER V BASQUE AND NICOLETTE He had theories. Here is one of them: "When a man is passionately fond of women, and when he has himself a wife for whom he cares bud little, who is homely, cross, d gitimate, with plenty of rights, perched on the code, and jealous at need, there is but o (03/24/2008 06:26:16) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV A CENTENARIAN ASPIRANT He had taken prizes in his boyhood at the College of Moulins, where he was born, and he had been crowned by the hand of the Duc de Nivernais, whom he called the Duc de Nevers. Neither the Convention, nor the death of Louis XVI., nor the Napoleon, nor the re (03/24/2008 06:26:14) [查看全文] |