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[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]

I. A. The doctor

   1. What’s wrong / the matter / trouble with you? = What’s your trouble?= What is troubling you? 你怎么啦?

   2. Is there anything wrong / the matter / trouble with you? 你怎么了?

   3. Let me examine you. 让我来给你检查一下。

   4. Does it hurt here? 这儿疼吗?

   5. Take it easy. It’s nothing serious. 别着急。不怎么严重的。

   6. You’d better have a good rest. 你最好好好休息一下。

   7. Take this medicine three times a day. 这药一天服三次。

   8. How long have you been like this? 你这样有多久了?

   9. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest in bed. 多喝水,躺在床上好好休息。

   10. Are you feeling any better now?你现在感觉好点儿了吗?

   11. I advise you not to eat fruit that isn’t ripe in the future. 我劝你今后不要吃未熟的水果。

   12. You will be all right soon. 你很快就会好的。

  B. The patient

   1. This place hurts. 这个地方痛。

   2. There’s something wrong with my back/ knee/ arm. 我的背部/膝盖/胳膊有点儿不舒服。

   3. I’ve got a cough/ headache/ stomachache/ fever.我咳嗽/头痛/胃痛/发烧。

   4. I cough all the time. 我一直咳嗽。

   5. I can’t sleep at night, so I am always very tired! 我晚上睡不着,因此我总是很疲劳。

  II.    A. Talking about festivals

   1. When is the festival celebrated?这个节日何时庆祝?

   2. Who celebrates the festival? 谁庆祝这一节日?

   3. How do people celebrate the festival?人们怎样庆祝这一节日?

   4. Why do people celebrate the festival?人们为何要庆祝这一节日?

   5. What are some important themes?一些重要的主题是什么?

   6. Do you know which countries the festivals come from? 你知道这些节日是来自哪些国家吗?

  B. Expressing and supporting an opinion

   1. I think that the new holiday should be a Peace Day. 我认为这个新假日应该是个和平日。

   2. I think this is the best idea.我认为这是最好的主意。

   3. Do you think that people are spending too much money on gifts and other things during major festivals like Christmas and the Spring Festival?你认为人们在圣诞节和春节这样重大的节日里在礼物和其它物品上花费的钱太多吗?

   4. Why do you think so?你为何这样认为?

   5. I don’t think you are right.我认为你的说法不对。

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