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Talking about festivals(谈论节日)

[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]

I. Useful Expressions

1. Do you know about April Fool’s Day? 你知道愚人节是怎么回事吗?

On that day, people play all kinds of tricks on others, and the one easily taken in is called April fool. 那天人们互相捉弄,容易上当的叫“四月愚人”。

2. What do people usually do on Saint Valentine’s Day? 人们通常在情人节干什么?

Boys are supposed to give roses to their sweethearts and girls give chocolate in return on that day. 那天小伙子们给自己的情人送玫瑰花。姑娘们回送巧克力。

3. Tell me something about your Ice and Snow Festival, will you? 请你给我讲讲你们的冰雪节,好吧?

That’s the most magical Festival. People build palaces and sculpture things with ice and snow. It’s beautiful! 那是最神奇的节日了。人们用冰雪建造宫殿,雕刻东西,美极了!

4. Could you tell me the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? 你能告诉我龙舟节的来历吗?

Yes, it’s a way to commemorate a GREat ancient Romantic poet, and the race is a symbol of the attempt to save him. 好的,这是人们纪念古代一位伟大的浪漫主义诗人的活动,龙舟比赛是奋力救诗人的象征。

5. Can you name some festivals of a religious nature? 你能说出几个由宗教来的节日吗?

 —Yes, such as Christmas and Easter. , 例如圣诞节和复活节。

6. Can you name some historic festivals? 你能说出一些历史节日吗?

Yes, such as Thanksgiving Day and Independence Day. 是的,如感恩节和独立日。

7. How many days do you take off for Easter? 你们复活节放几天假?

 —Usually we have a week off. 通常放一周。

8. What do you plan to do at the Mid-Autumn night? 中秋夜你打算干什么?

To Chinatown. There’ll be a party to celebrate the traditional Chinese Festival. 去唐人街。那儿有个晚会庆祝中国这个传统的节日。

IICultural Information

There are many holidays and festivals in America, but there are only six for which all workers are given the day off with pay(带薪假期). They are New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.

Some holidays or festivals are observed only on Sundays and so there is no time taken off from work. These include: Easter (There is not a given day on the calendar for this. It occurs on a Sunday after the first full moon after the 21st of March, therefore it will occur either in March or April.), Mother’s Day (the second Sunday in May), Father’s Day (the third Sunday in June).

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