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[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]


    1.与疑问词how, why等连用,有“竟、会”之意。例如:

    Why should you stand there like a fool?你怎么像傻子一样站在那里?


    How should I know? Has it anything to do with me?我怎么知道?这和我有什么关系?

    I don’t know why you should have told him that much.我不明白你为什么跟他说那么多。

    should+have done表示已发生的情况。)

    2.It’s surprising/ strange/ a pity...以及I’m surprised/ sorry...等句型中,当“竟然会”讲。例如:

    It’s surprising that you should be so foolish.真令人吃惊,你竟会如此愚蠢!(现在)

    It’s surprising that you should have failed to pass such an exam.真令人吃惊,这样的考试你竟然不及格。(已发生)

    3.单独用“should (not) +have+过去分词”形式,对已发生的事表示遗憾或责备,表达“本该或不该”之意。例如:

    He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.他还明白了他本应该多关心朋友。(高一课本上册P4

    He shouldn’t have let out the secret.他本不该泄露秘密的。(实际情况是“他已泄密”。)


    在语气上shouldmust弱,但比may/ might强;shouldn’t

can’t弱,但强于may/ might not。例如:

    I should be home in about ten minutes.照理说来,约十分钟后我就能到家。(高一课本上册P59

    He should be having class now.他现在应该是在上课。

    As far as I know you shouldn’t have any problems there.就我所知,在那里你不会遇到任何问题。

    According to the schedule, they should have arrived in Shanghai by now/ yesterday.按照计划,他们现在/昨天应该已经到达上海了吧。

    (注:本句中的“should+have done”结构并不表示责备,仅表示说话人的揣测。)



    I think a friend should be kind.我认为朋友应该是善良的。(高一课本上册P1

    You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim, and you should always wear a life jacket.如果不会游泳,你就不能去漂流;而且(漂流时)应该穿救生衣。(高一课本上册P18

    Should the naughty boy be punished?那个调皮的男孩该受惩罚吗?

    It’s necessary/ important/ natural that we should do it again.我们应该重做。

    2.在与某些表示“建议和要求”的动词或名词搭配的从句中,用“should+动词原形”的形式,表示“建议或要求做某事”,should可以省略。这类词常用的有:suggest(建议)/ suggestion, require, request, insist(坚持)等。例如:

    They suggested that Ed (should) start at 8 a.m..(宾语从句)

    It was suggested that Ed (should) start at 8 a.m..(主语从句)

    Ed received their suggestion that he (should) start at 8 a.m..(同位语从句)

    Their suggestion was that Ed (should) start at 8 a.m..(表语从句)




    If it should rain (=Should it rain) tomorrow, I should/ would stay at home.万一明天下雨的话,我就待在家里。

    Please call me if (=in case) you should need my help.万一需要我帮助的话,请给我打电话。(此句中should need可用need代替。)

    2.在虚拟语气的主句中表示假设的结果,当“就会”讲。(“should+do”表示现在或将来时间;“should+have done”表示过去或到目前为止的时间。)例如:

    If he were here, I should tell him the truth.如果他(现在)在这里的话,我就会告诉他真相。(事实是,他现在不在这里。)

    If I had been here yesterday, I should have taught him a good lesson.如果昨天我在这里,我就会好好教训他一顿。(事实是:我没教训他,因为我昨天没在这里。)

    I shouldn’t have won without your help.如果没有你的帮助,我就赢不了。(事实是我已经获胜。)


    I turned down the radio so that it shouldn’t wake the baby up.为不惊醒婴儿,我把收音机音量调小。


    I should say you are wrong.我得说你错了。

    I should like to have a look at your new stamp.我想看看你的新邮票。


    I said I should come early.我说过我会早来。(其直接引语是:“I shall come early, I said.



1.I was really anxious about you. You _______ home without a word.(NMET 2001)

    A.mustn’t leave  B.shouldn’t have left

    C.needn’t leave  D.couldn’t have left

2.I’m not feeling well in the stomach, I _______ so much fried chicken just now.(2002,上海)

    A.shouldn’t eat 

B.mustn’t have eaten

    C.mustn’t eat      

    D.shouldn’t have eaten

3.We _______   last night, but we went to the concert instead.(NMET 1992)

    A.must have studied

    B.might study    

    C.should have studied   

    D.would study

4.I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I _______ it out for her.(NMET 1994)

    A.had to write

    B.must have written

    C.should have written

    D.ought to write

5.That young man has made so much noise that he _______   not have been allowed to attend the concert.(1992,上海)

    A.could    B.must C.would    D.should

6.It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack _______   be here at any moment.(NMET 1995)

    A.must     B.need     C.should   D.can

7.—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

   —They _______   be ready by 12:00.(NMET1998)

    A.can B.should   C.might    D.need

8.Mary _______   be in Paris, for I saw her in the town a few minutes ago.(NMET 1994)

    A.mustn’t        B.can’t

    C.shouldn’t      D.may not

9.I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning. She _______   have spoken at the meeting.(MET 1991)

    A.mustn’t        B.shouldn’t

    C.needn’t        D.couldn’t

10.There were already five people in the carbut they managed to take me as well.

   —It _______   a comfortable journey.(NMET 1995)

    A.can’t be       B.mustn’t have been

    C.shouldn’t      D.couldn’t have been

11.If only he _______   quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.2000,上海)

    A.lies        B.lay 

    C.had lain    D.should lie

12.It’s hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _______   in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.(2002,上海)

    A.wouldn’t have fallen

    B.had not fallen

    C.should fall

    D.were to fall

13.Johnny, you _______   play with the knife, you _______   hurt yourself.(NMET 1996)

    A.won’t; can’t     B.mustn’t; may

    C.shouldn’t; must   D.can’t; shouldn’t

14.Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

   I’m not sure. I _______   go to the concert instead.(NMET 2000)

    A.must B.would    C.should   D.might

15.A left-luggage office is a place where bags _______ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.(NMET 2003)

    A.should   B.can  C.must D.will

16.When Ed first phoned and _______   we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an easy victory.(NMET 2003)

    A.declared        B.mentioned

    C.persuaded       D.suggested


    15题都是对已发生的事表示遗憾和责备,须用“should+have done”的形式。答案分别为BDCCD






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