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[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]




 Who will be sent there has not been decided yet.

 Whether Mr GREen has got the letter or not is not known.



 What they need is more money/help/advice/information.

 What they need are more men/mobile phones/TV sets/computers.


 Whether we'll go and help them and how we can help are not the same.They are quite different.

 Where they are going to build the dam and how is the biggest problem to be discussed at the meeting.


 It is being looked into who broke the window.

 It is not clear whether he will leave for London or not.

 It is necessary that we should send more food to the flooded area.

 It is not known yet when the plane will take off.

 但what及带-ever类疑问词引导的主语从句不能用it 代替其作形式主语。例如:

 [误] It is not right what he said.

 [正] What he said is not right.

 [误] It is becoming popular among the young students whatever he wrote.

 [正] Whichever book he wrote is becoming popular among the young students.


 Has it been announced when the plane is to take off?

 Is it made clear that everyone must be cautious about SARS?


 Is what he said true?



 Who has broken the window is not found out yet.(是“谁打碎玻璃”这件事情尚未查清)

 Whoever has broken the window must pay for it.(是打碎玻璃的人必须赔偿,该句相当于Anyone/The person who has broken the window must pay for it.)


 Who will be sent to study abroad is not decided yet.=It is not decided who will be sent to study abroad.

 Whoever will be sent to study abroad should hand in two photos before Friday.(该句不可改写为:It should hand in two photos before Friday whoever will be sent to study abroad.)


 Whether the mid-term exam will be put off is not decided yet.

 [误] It is not clear yet if the Chinese football team can win the game.

 5.在it is a pity (shame),it is strange,it is no wonder等结构后的主语从句中应使用虚拟语气。例如:

 It is a GREat pity that he should be so careless.

 It is strange that they should have lost the match.

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