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Unit Four At the Emergency Room
对话6 (07/09/2006 11:42:58) [查看全文] 语言是随着人类社会的不断发展而发展的。一些旧词的过时意味着需要人们创造出一些新的词,而新的词的产生,大抵服从语法的法则,有其规律可循。语言的这种"弃旧创新"不断完善和发展的过程体现出一种规律--构词法(word-formation)。 为何在学构词法?我们认为,对于普通的医务专业人员来说,学点英语的构词方式,有以下几方面的益处: (1)了解词的结构,扩大巩固所学的词汇。在阅读科技文章和专业资料时,碰到生字可以由已知的成分去分析未知词的含义,甚至可以"猜字"。比如说,如果我们知道了词根anthropo-[man](人)的意思,就有难理解下面几个词的含义:anthropolgy(人类学)、anthropid(类人的)、anthropologist(人类学家)、anthropo (07/09/2006 11:42:58) [查看全文] 对话9 西药
Dialogue Nine Western Medicine
病人:早上好,大夫。 Patient: Good morning, doctor. 药剂师:早 (07/09/2006 11:42:57) [查看全文] 对话4 患失眠症
Dialogue Four Suffering from insomnia
病人:早上好,大夫 (07/09/2006 11:42:56) [查看全文] 1. What can do for you? 你有什么事? 2.May I help you? 我能帮你什么忙? 8.Please take a seat! please sit down! 请坐下. 4.Wait a moment, please. 请等一等. 5.Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你久等了. 6.It is not serious. 病情不严重. 7.Don't worry. There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8.You need a thorough examination. 你需要做一 (07/09/2006 11:42:52) [查看全文] (07/09/2006 11:42:32) [查看全文] Chapter 4 VIRUSES 第四章 病毒 A virus is a submicroscopic infectious particle composed of a protein coat and a nucleic acid core. Viruses, like cells, carry genetic information encoded in their nucleic acid, and can undergo mutations and reproduce; however, they cannot carry out metabolism, and thus are not considered alive. Viruses are classif (07/01/2006 12:53:19) [查看全文] Abrine 相思豆碱 (07/01/2006 12:53:03) [查看全文] O * Obligate aerobe 专性需氧菌 * Obligate anaerobe 专性厌氧菌 Old tuberculin,OT 旧结核菌素 * Opportunistic pathogenesis 机会致病性 Ordinary pilus 普通菌毛 Orientia 东方体属 * Orthomyxoviridae 正粘病毒科 Outer membrane 外膜 * Outer membrane protein,OMP 外膜蛋白 P P.aeruginasa 铜绿假单胞菌 Papovaviridae 乳多空病毒科属 Parainfluenza virus 副流感病毒 Pa (06/24/2006 10:46:15) [查看全文] |