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P: I would like to have a check-up for a driving licence (swiming pass). 我要做驾驶查体(游泳查体)。 N: You need to have your eyes, ears and blood pressure checkd. You need to have a fluoroscopy done. 你需要检查一下眼睛、耳朵和血压。你需要做透视检查。 P: The doctor needs my weight, pleas weigh me. 医生要我的体重,请给我量一下。 N: Please bring a photograph of yourself, we ha (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] Nunse: Hou do you do. Welcome. I'm the nurse in chage of this ward. We hope you will feel at home here. Thes is nurse Wang. 你好。欢迎你。我是这病房的护土长。希望您能有家的感觉,这位是王护士,这是负责你的医生,陈医生。 Patient: Sorry to bother you all. 麻烦你们大家了。 N: If you need anything,just press this button. 你若需要什么,就请按这只电纽。 P: Is it possible for my sister to stay here (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 1、American Medical Association Medical Glossary http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/gen_hlth/glossary/index.htm 2、List and Glossary of Medical Terms (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 1、What's the matter? 什么事? 2、What's your complaint? 什么病? 3、What can I do for you? 我能效劳什么? 4、Is there anything wrong? 有什么不对劲吗? 5、What exactly is wrong? 到底有什么不对劲呢? 6、What symptoms do you have? 你有什么症状? (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 1、Let me take a look in your ears, first. 首先,让我看一下你的耳朵。 2、Now let me examine your nose. 现在让我检查你的鼻子。 3、Look right at me,please. 请看着我。 4、Now open your mouth. 现在张开你的嘴。 5、Open it just as wide as you can. 尽 (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 病人:早上好,大夫。 Patient: Good morning, doctor. 药剂师:早上好,女士。请问有什么需要我帮忙的吗? Chemist: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you? 病人:请按药方帮我抓药好吗? Patient: Can you fill the prescription for me? 药剂师:当然可以。请把你的药方给我看一下。 Chemist: Of course. Please show me the Pre (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 病人:我严重感冒。另外,还伴有头疼。请问我应该服用些什么药呢? Patient: I have a terrible cold. Apart from that, I have a headache. Can you suggest something I can take to relieve the pain? 药剂师:你没有药方吗? Chemist: Don't you have a prescription? 病人:是的。我没有去看大夫。 Patient: No, I haven't gone to (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 病人:这是我的药方,你能帮我配药吗? Patient: This is my prescription. Can you fill it for me, please? 药剂师:当然可以。 Chemist: Certainly. 病人:谢谢。 Patient: Thank you. 药剂师:别客气。让我看看。大概需要五分钟的时间。 Chemist:You're welcome. Well, let me see. It will take about five minutes. (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 大夫:你哪里不舒服? Doctor: What seems to be the problem? 病人:唉,我刚才过马路,正赶上一辆车从拐角处开过来。由于车速过快,等司机看到我再刹车时,已经太晚了。我被撞倒在地,从地上爬起来时,我发现我的左臂和肘部也被擦伤,并且现在我的肋骨有点痛。 Patient: Well, I was crossing the road, where a car came round the corner too quickly, and when the driver saw me, it was too (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 患者:我这两天阴道出血并伴有下腹疼痛。 Patient: I have had some vaginal bleeding for 2 days, together with some pain in the lower abdomen. 护士:你月经流量怎么样?上次月经是什么时候? Nurse: What was the amount of bleeding? When was your last period? 患者:我已经两个月没有来月经了。上次月经是4月4日。 Patient:I missed 2 p (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 病人:早上好,大夫 Patient:Good morning, doctor. 医生:早上好,哪里不舒服? Doctor:good morning. What seems to be the trouble? 病人:我最近有点失眠。 Patient:I'm suffering from insomnia. 医生:这种情况有多久了? Doctor:How long have you had this problem? 病人:三个月了。 Doctor:Three mo (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 医生:早上好。你哪里不舒服? Doctor:Good morning. What's troubling you? 病人:你好,大夫。我头疼得厉害。 Patient:Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache. 医生:别着急,小伙子,告诉我怎么回事。 Doctor:All right, young man. Tell me how it got started. 病人:昨天我老流鼻涕。现在有点鼻塞。喉咙很痛。恐怕还伴有高烧。感觉糟透了。 (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 护士:早上好! Nurse: Good morning. 病人:你好! Patient: Good morning. 护士:请问哪里不舒服? Nurse: What seems to be the problem? 病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。 Patient: Im running a high fever and feeling terribly bad. 护士:这种情况出现有多久了? Nurse: How long have you had the problem (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 值班护士:早上好,这里是约翰逊大夫办公室。有什么需要帮忙的吗? Clerk:Good morning. This is Doctor Johnson's office. What can I do for you? 雷德太:是的,我是雷德太太。我想本周预约看病。 Mrs. Reed:Yes, this is Mrs. Reed. I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week. 值班护士:好的。恐怕约翰逊大夫本周星期一和星期二都已经被预约满了。 (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] 李太太:请问约翰逊大夫在吗? Mrs. Lee: Can I speak to Dr. Johnson, please? 约翰逊大夫:我就是,有什么需要帮忙的吗? Dr. Johnson: Yes. This is Dr. Johnson speaking. What can I do for you? 李太太:我是李太太。请帮帮我 Mrs. Lee: Oh. This is Mrs. Lee. Please help me, Dr. Johnson. 约翰逊大夫:你怎么啦,李太太? D (06/19/2006 08:53:00) [查看全文] |