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[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]

1. keep up with  跟上、赶上

      You must learn more about our country in order to keep up with the rapidly developing situation. 你必须对我国有更多的了解,以便跟上飞速发展的形势。

       2 make choices about  作出……的选择

      Have you made any choices about which students you’ll make group leaders of your class? 你要把哪些学生选为你班上的小组长,已经选择好了吗?

       3. think about if / whether考虑是否……

      She is thinking about whether she’ll go shopping at the supermarket at the weekend. 她正在考虑是否在周末去超市购物。

       4. keep sth./ sb. doing sth.  让……做某事

      Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 对不起,让你久等了。

       5. be based on  根据、以……为基础

      We’ll cook the food that is based on what you like. 我们将根据你的口味烧饭。

       6. be harmful to  对……有害

      Smoking is harmful to your health. 吸烟有害你的健康。

       7. choose from  由……选择

      These goods are for you to choose from.  这些东西是供你选择的。

       8. give / offer advice about提供……的建议

      The teacher gave much advice about how we should learn English. 老师对我们怎样学习英语提出了很多建议。

       9. make sure  确保、保证

      Make sure all the lights are turned off before you leave the lab. 在你离开实验室前,一定要把所有的灯关掉。

       10. be prepared for为……做好准备

      You must be prepared for what will possibly happen. 你必须为可能发生的事做好准备。

       11. use...for  用来……做

      Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不仅用来盖房子。

       12. in common  共有、共同

      The two have nothing in common. 两者没有共同之处。

       13. give thanks for为……表示谢意

      Have you thought of giving thanks for his kindness?   你有没有想到要感谢他的好意?

       14. believe in  信任、信仰

      We believe in him, but this time we don’t believe him. 我们信任他,但这一次我们不相信他的话。

       15. as well as  与……一样好、而且

      He learns English as well as I do. 他学英语和我一样那么好。

      The child is lively as well as healthy. 这孩子既健康又活泼。

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