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专业术语—中草药成分英汉对照词汇S2 Silybin 水飞蓟宾 Silymarin 水飞蓟素 Silydianin 水飞蓟宁 Sinomenine 盐酸青藤碱 Sinoside 辛诺甙 Skimmianine 茵芋碱 Smiglanin 光叶菝葜甙 Smilagenin 异菝葜皂甙 Solanidine 茄啶 Sophocarpine 槐果碱 SophoranholN-oxide 氧化槐醇碱 Sophoranol 槐醇 (10/21/2008 20:29:44) [查看全文] 专业术语—中草药成分英汉对照词汇T2 Total Ginkgo Flavone-Glycoides 银杏总黄酮 Total Terpene Lactones 银杏总内酯 Total Of Triterpenes 积雪草总甙 Total Tubeimosides 土贝母总皂甙 Tribuloside 蒺藜皂甙 Tribulus Terrstris P.E 蒺藜提取物 Trichosanthin 天花粉蛋白 Trichotomine 臭梧桐碱 Trilobine 三叶木防已碱 T (10/21/2008 20:29:44) [查看全文] 专业术语—中草药成分英汉对照词汇T1 T Tanshinone IIA 丹参酮IIA Tanshinone I 丹参酮I Tanshinone IIB 丹参酮IIB Taraxasterol 蒲公英甾醇 Taraxerol 蒲公英赛醇 Tauro ursodesoxy cholic acid 牛磺熊去氧胆酸 Taxifolin 花旗松素 Taxol 紫杉醇 Tazettine 多花水仙碱 TEA POLYPHENOL 茶多酚 Tetrahy (10/21/2008 20:29:43) [查看全文] 专业术语—中草药成分英汉对照词汇U/V/W/Y/Z U Umbelliferone 伞形花内酯 Ursodeoxy cholic acid 熊去氧胆酸 Ursolic acid 熊果酸 V Valerian root P.E 缬草提取物 Vanillin 香荚兰醛 Vanillyl alcohol 香荚兰醇 Vasicine 鸭嘴花碱 Vicine 蚕豆甙 Vinblastine 长春碱 Vincristine 长春新碱 (10/21/2008 20:29:43) [查看全文] 专业术语—医疗卫生人员职衔职称词汇2 主任药师 Professor of Pharmacy 主管药师 Pharmacist-in-charge 药师 Pharmacist 药士 Assistant Pharmacist 主任护师 Professor of Nursing 主管护师 Nurse-in-charge 护师 Nurse Practitioner 护士 N (10/21/2008 20:29:42) [查看全文] 专业术语—医疗卫生人员职衔职称词汇1 主任医师(讲课) Professor of Medicine 主任医师(医疗) Professor of Treatment 儿科主任医师 Professor of Paediatrics 主治医师 Doctor-in-charge 外科主治医师 Surgeon-in-charge 内科主治医师 Physician-in-charge 眼科主治医师 Oc (10/21/2008 20:29:42) [查看全文] 专业术语—低脂食物并不能减少健康风险1 Low-Fat Diet Does Not Cut Health Risks, Study Finds By GINA KOLATA The largest study ever to ask whether a low-fat diet reduces the risk of getting cancer or heart disease has found that the diet has no effect. The largest study ever to ask whether a low-fat diet reduces the (10/21/2008 20:29:40) [查看全文] 专业术语—低脂食物并不能减少健康风险3 In this case, the study addressed a tricky problem. For decades, many scientists have said, and many members of the public have believed, that what people eat — the composition of the diet — determines how likely they are to get a chronic disease. But that has been hard to prove. Studies of dietary fiber and c (10/21/2008 20:29:40) [查看全文] 专业术语—低脂食物并不能减少健康风险2 Others said that diet could still make a difference, at least with heart disease, if people were to eat the so-called Mediterranean diet, low in saturated fats like butter and high in oils like olive oil. The women in the study reduced all kinds of fat. The diets studied "had an antique patina," said (10/21/2008 20:29:39) [查看全文] 专业术语—低脂食物并不能减少健康风险4 That could mean that fat in the diet may have a small effect, Dr. Rossouw said, perhaps in some subgroups of women or over a longer period of time. He added that the study investigators would continue to follow the women to see if the effect became more pronounced. While cancer researchers said they (10/21/2008 20:29:39) [查看全文] 专业术语—基因专业词汇C/D C 癌 cancer 后选基因 candidate gene 癌 carcinoma cDNA文库 cDNA library 细胞 cell 染色体 chromosome 克隆 cloning 密码 codon 天生的 congenital 重叠群 contig 囊性纤维化 cystic fibrosis 细胞遗传图 cytogenetic map D 缺失 (10/21/2008 20:29:38) [查看全文] 专业术语—基因专业词汇A/B A 腺苷脱氨酶缺乏症 adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA) 腺病毒 adenovirus Alagille综合征 Alagille syndrome 等位基因 allele 氨基酸 amino acids 动物模型 animal model 抗体 antibody 凋亡 (10/21/2008 20:29:37) [查看全文] 专业术语—基因专业词汇H H 单倍体 haploid haploinsufficiency 造血干细胞 hematopoietic stem cell 血友病 hemophilia 杂合子 heterozygous 高度保守序列 highly conserved sequence Hirschsprung病 Hirschsprung's disease 纯合子 homozygous 人工染色体 human artificial chromosome (HAC) (10/21/2008 20:29:36) [查看全文] 专业术语—基因专业词汇E/F/G E 电泳 electrophoresis Ellis - van Creveld syndrome 酶 enzyme 外显子 exon F 家族性地中海热 familial Mediterranean fever 荧光原位杂交 fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) 脆性X染色体综合征 Fragile X syndrome G 基因 gene 基因扩增 gene a (10/21/2008 20:29:35) [查看全文] (10/02/2008 09:28:03) [查看全文] |