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  天疱疮              pemphigus
  疱疹样天疱疮        pemphigus herpetiformis
  IgA天疱疮          IgA pemphigus
(10/02/2008 09:27:56) [查看全文]
  变应性皮肤血管炎    allergic cutaneous vasculitis
  荨麻疹性血管炎      urticarial vasculitis
  持久性隆起性红斑    erythema elevatum diutinum
  结节性多动脉炎      polyarteritis nodosa
(10/02/2008 09:27:56) [查看全文]
    Polymers-large molecules made up of many joined units of a more simple molecule. Examples are polysaccharides and polypeptides.
    Polypeptides; -chains of amino acids joined by peptide bonds. They are not the size of proteins, but may be biologically very active. Some
(10/02/2008 09:27:56) [查看全文]
    Prostaglandins - are members of a class of hormones known as the eicosanoids. They are released by cells which have been damaged and have a powerful ability to sensitise nerve endings causing tenderness to the damaged area, and to cause vasoconstriction by contracting the smooth muscle of art
(10/02/2008 09:27:55) [查看全文]
专业术语—口腔生理学术语Q-R(英文详解)    Quadrate - one of the bones which together with the articular bones and the dentary, made/make up a reptile's jaw. In mammals the quadrate bone is incorporated into the middle ear as the incus.
    Ramus - the vertical part of the mandible which supports the coronoid and the co
(10/02/2008 09:27:55) [查看全文]
    Saturated solutions - Salts such as the apatites do not readily become ionized and dissolve in water. When no more ions can dissolve the solution is said to be saturated. The concentration of ions in a saturated solution, its solubility product, is constant for each salt, at a neutral pH. If
(10/02/2008 09:27:55) [查看全文]
    Rest Position - a position the jaw adopts when at rest with the lips lightly together.
    Reticular fibres - are fine type III collagen fibres forming a net-like supporting framework or reticulum. They are found around small blood vessels, nerve cells, muscle fibres an
(10/02/2008 09:27:54) [查看全文]
    Sesamoid bone - a small bone which appears at the age of thirteen, adjacent to the carpo-metacarpal joint of the thumb and is of use in determining the skeletal age of a child.
    Sharpey's fibres. - are collagen fibres which have been trapped in bone or cementum in o
(10/02/2008 09:27:54) [查看全文]
专业术语—口腔生理学术语S4(英文详解)     Symbiosis - a mutually beneficial inter-relationship between two organisms, for example between bees and flowers (pollen carrying in return for nectar).
    Sympathetic nerves - the sympathetic nervous system is one of he two main divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Sympathet
(10/02/2008 09:27:54) [查看全文]
    Stem cells - cells from which a number of more Stimulated saliva - saliva which has been stimulated by chewing.
    Stippled - a pattern which is made of small dots. Gingiva has a stippled appearance due to small depressions caused by the attachment of clumps of fibres
(10/02/2008 09:27:53) [查看全文]
    Template - an outline form which can be used to make many identical copies without being used itself. Metal templates can be used placed over a piece of clothing material, which is then cut according to the shape of the template. Many pieces can be made from the same template, and they
(10/02/2008 09:27:53) [查看全文]
    ical - in a local area. e.g application of medication to the affected part only.
    Trabecula-bone -a description of the radiographic appearance of spongy bone. Radiographs provide an unusual opportunity to see condensations within spongy bone. These condensations form
(10/02/2008 09:27:52) [查看全文]
    Vaccine - a planned exposure to an antigen in order that memory B lymphocytes can retain a memory for it. In practice the organism carrying the antigen is either killed or modified so that it does not cause the disease. When encountered again, the antigen is recognised and there will be
(10/02/2008 09:27:52) [查看全文]
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