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专业术语—口腔生理学术语E1(英文详解) Ecological balance - astable balance in the numbers of each species in an ecosystem. In the ecosystem of the mouth this balance is brought about by competition and cooperation between the different organism and the hosts defences which tend to control population size. (10/02/2008 09:27:34) [查看全文] 专业术语—口腔生理学术语E2(英文详解) Enamel prisms - rod-like bundles of hydroxyapatie crystals which are orientated at right angles to the tooth surface. Each prism can be traced from the outside of the enamel all the way to the dentine junction. Enamel - the outer layer hard layer which covers the de (10/02/2008 09:27:34) [查看全文] 医学专业在线英语词典 1.American Medical Association Medical Glossary http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/gen_hlth/glossary/index.htm 2.List and Glossary of Medical Terms http://allserv.rug.ac.be/~rvdstich/eugloss/language.html 3.Medical/Surgical Word Glossary http://www.mtdesk.com/alpha.shtml 4.MedicineNet (09/16/2008 09:02:40) [查看全文] 医生护士英语会话(8):肚子痛 大夫:请进。你哪里不舒服? Doctor: Please come in. What seems to be the trouble? 病人:肚子不舒服。我想可能是昨晚吃得太多了。 Patient: It's my stomach. I think probably I had too much at supper yesterday evening. 大夫:你昨晚吃了些什么,能告诉我吗? Doctor: Can you tell me what you had for supper yesterday evening? 病人:海鲜,烤鸭。种类很多,有的我叫不出 (09/16/2008 09:02:38) [查看全文] 专业术语—口腔生理学术语F(英文详解) Fatty acids - long straight chains of carbon and hydrogen ending with an acid group at one end. Saturated fatty acids have no capacity to absorb more hydrogen atoms. Animal fats are mostly of this type and are considered less healthy as they end to accumulate in the linings of arteries. (09/16/2008 09:02:25) [查看全文] 专业术语—口腔生理学术语E3(英文详解) Epidermal growth factor - a cytokine that stimulates epithelial cell proliferation. Epinephrine - a neurotransmitter substance found at all adrenergic synapses (nor epinephrine or epinephrine). It is the most common neurotransmitter in the nervous system, in particu (09/16/2008 09:02:25) [查看全文] 专业术语—SARS专业词汇(一) Adenovirus 腺病毒 Affected area 疫区 Antiviral 抗病毒 Avian influenza (bird flu) 禽流感 Bilateral pulmonary multiple change 双肺多发性改变 Blood count, 血细胞计数 blood cultures, 血培养 sputum cultures,痰培养 Bronchitis 支气管炎 Bronchopneumonia (09/16/2008 09:02:25) [查看全文] 专业术语—SARS专业词汇(二) Erythromycin,红霉素 Azithromycin,阿奇霉素 Clarithromycin,克拉霉素 Fluoroquinolones and their derivatives (e.g. levofloxacin),多西环素(如:脱氧土霉素) Tetracyclines (e.g. doxycycline)四环素(强力霉素) Macrolide 大环内酯类 Etiology 病原学 Expectoration 咳痰 Face (09/16/2008 09:02:24) [查看全文] 专业术语—SARS专业词汇(四) Protective antibody 保护抗体 Pulmonary anthrax 肺炭疽 Pulmonary plague 肺鼠疫 Quarantine Ordinance 检疫令 Radix Isatidis granules 板蓝根冲剂 Reagent 试剂 Respiratory tract infection 呼吸道感染 Ribavirin (a broad spectrum antiviral drug) 三氮唑核苷,利巴韦林(广谱 (09/16/2008 09:02:24) [查看全文] 专业术语—SARS专业词汇(三) Idiopathic 自发性 Incubation period 潜伏期 Interstitial inflammation change 间质性炎症改变 Isolation Order 隔离令 Legionella 军团菌 Leptospriosis 钩端螺旋体病 Liquid soap 洗手液 lobarpneumonia 典型大叶性肺炎 Mechanical ventilation 人工呼吸 Mutate 突变 (09/16/2008 09:02:23) [查看全文] 专业术语—抑郁症 Topic Overview概述 This topic covers depression in adults. For information on depression in young people, see the topic Depression in Childhood and Adolescence. For information on depression following childbirth, see the topic Postpartum Depression. 本文探讨的主要关于成年人的抑郁症。若需查询关于末成人的抑郁症,请查看“儿童和青年人的抑郁症。产后 (09/16/2008 09:02:23) [查看全文] 专业术语—护理诊断术语-1 NANDA通过的以人类反应型态(Human Response Patterns)的分类方法。现将人类反应型态分类方法的护理诊断分列如下: (1)交换(Exchanging) 营养失调:高于机体需要量(Altered Nutrition: More Than Body Requirements) 营养失调:低于机体需要量(Altered Nutrition: less Than Body Requirements) (09/16/2008 09:02:23) [查看全文] 专业术语—外科护理常用英语 伤口护理 wound management 伤口 wound 一、伤口的性质 Nature of Wound Bed 1、 健康肉芽形成 healthy granulation 2、 上皮形成 epithelization 3、 腐肉 slough 4、 黑色或棕 (09/16/2008 09:02:22) [查看全文] 专业术语—护理诊断术语-2 (2)沟通(Communicating) 语言沟通障碍(impaired Verbal Communication) (3)关系(Relating) 社会障碍(Impaired Social Interaction) 社交孤立(Social Isolation) 有孤立的危险(Risk for Loneliness) (09/16/2008 09:02:22) [查看全文] 专业术语—护理诊断术语-3 (6)活动(Moving) 躯体移动障碍(Impaired Physical Mobility) 有周围血管神经功能障碍的危险(Risk for Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction) 活动无耐力(Activity Intolerance) 疲乏(Fatigue) 有活动无耐力的危险(Risk (09/16/2008 09:02:22) [查看全文] |