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《战争与和平》 第八部 第三章
(02/26/2008 06:23:21) [查看全文]
《War And Peace》 Book8  CHAPTER III
    by Leo Tolstoy
IN THE YEAR 1811 there was living in Moscow a French doctor called Metivier,
who was rapidly coming into fashion. He was a very tall, handsome man, polite as
only a Frenchman is, and was said by every one in Moscow to be an
(02/26/2008 06:23:19) [查看全文]
《战争与和平》 第八部 第二章
(02/26/2008 06:23:18) [查看全文]
《War And Peace》 Book8  CHAPTER II
    by Leo Tolstoy
AT THE BEGINNING of the winter Prince Nikolay Andreitch Bolkonsky and his
daughter moved to Moscow. His past, his intellect and originality, and still
more the falling off at about that time of the popular enthusiasm for the rule
(02/26/2008 06:23:17) [查看全文]
《战争与和平》 第八部 第一章
(02/26/2008 06:23:16) [查看全文]
《War And Peace》 Book8  CHAPTER I
    by Leo Tolstoy
AFTER PRINCE ANDREY'S ENGAGEMENT to Natasha, Pierre suddenly, for no apparent
reason, felt it impossible to go on living in the same way as before. Firm as
his belief was in the truths revealed to him by his benefactor, the old
(02/26/2008 06:23:15) [查看全文]
The former Seoul mayor who swept December elections in South Korea is getting used to his new title: Mr. President. Lee Myung-bak has taken his oath of office in a formal ceremony in the South Korean capital.
(02/26/2008 06:23:09) [查看全文]

Iraqi authorities say attacks on Shi'ite pilgrims have killed at least 63 religious devotees on their way to commemorate one of Shi'ite Islam's holiest gatherings.
(02/26/2008 06:23:09) [查看全文]
有关 “解聘“ 的几种说法
还记得在《流星花园》里,谁要是收到F4的红纸条,那几乎等于得到死刑审判,从此,在英德学院他将处处受难…… 公司裁员的时候,谁若收到pink slip(字面意:粉红色的纸条),那他最好赶快打点行李,另谋出路。Pink slip表示“解雇通知书”。
Pink slip最早出现于20世纪初,指的是“员工周薪信封里夹着的粉红色小纸条”,当然,收到“pink slip”的员工随即将被解聘。至于为什么要用粉红色,有解释认为,粉红色相对而言比较柔和,似乎可以慰藉被裁员工的“受伤心灵”。
和pink slip具有相同含义的另外两种说法是“marching orders”和“walking papers”,其字面意是“下逐客令”,看例句:T
(02/26/2008 06:23:08) [查看全文]
14.9 定语
(1)She is a natural musician. 她是一位天生的音乐家。
(2)You’re a proper fool if you believe it. 你如相信它就是一个十足的傻瓜。
(3)He must be the best violinist alive. 他一定是最好的在世的小提琴手了。(形容词后置)
a baby girl 女婴
(02/26/2008 06:23:08) [查看全文]
Single women are more likely to do unpaid overtime than any other workers, a report has revealed.
On average, those in their thirties do 7.4 hours a week, equal to 43 days a year at their desks without being paid a penny.
It means millions of women are coming in early, skipping lunch breaks and leaving late.
Others find work in
(02/26/2008 06:23:08) [查看全文]
Runaway brides - and grooms - in Mexico City could get stuck paying for the limo and flowers under a bill proposed by a local lawmaker.
If approved by the city assembly, the law would offer engaged couples a legal contract outlining how much a man or woman can recoup if he or she gets jilted at the altar.
The contract would stipulate
(02/26/2008 06:23:07) [查看全文]
Complete list of winners at the 80th annual Academy Awards, presented Sunday night at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles:
Best Motion Picture: "No Country for Old Men."
Lead Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, "There Will Be Blood."
(02/26/2008 06:23:07) [查看全文]
back and forth 来来回回的
bed and breakfast 住宿加早餐
cap and gown(coat) 衣帽
fire and water 水火
flesh and blood 血肉之躯;肉体
heavy and light 轻重
iron and steel 钢铁
land and water 水陆
night and day 夜以继日的
north and south 南北
off and on 断断续续的
old and young 无论老少;人人
old and new 新旧
(02/26/2008 06:23:07) [查看全文]
英语中有很多“Jack-” 短语,这些“Jack”意义多多,既可指人、也可指物。
every man Jack 每人;人人
All the workers want a pay increase, every man Jack of them.
Jack of all trades and master of none 万事皆通而一无所长的人;“三脚猫”
Jack-of-all trades “万事通”
Jack on/of both sides 模棱两可,两面派
Jack at a pinch 临时拉来帮忙/凑数的人
All work and no pla
(02/26/2008 06:23:06) [查看全文]
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