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《War And Peace》 Book7  CHAPTER VI
    by Leo Tolstoy
THE OLD COUNT went home. Natasha and Petya promised to follow immediately.
The hunting party went on further as it was still early. In the middle of the
day they set the hounds into a ravine covered with thickly growing young copse.
(02/25/2008 06:31:23) [查看全文]
《战争与和平》 第七部 第五章
(02/25/2008 06:31:22) [查看全文]
《War And Peace》 Book7  CHAPTER V
    by Leo Tolstoy
NIKOLAY ROSTOV was standing meanwhile at his post waiting for the wolf. He
was aware of what must be taking place within the copse from the rush of the
pack coming closer and going further away, from the cries of the dogs, whose
(02/25/2008 06:31:22) [查看全文]
《战争与和平》 第七部 第四章
(02/25/2008 06:31:21) [查看全文]
《War And Peace》 Book7  CHAPTER IV
    by Leo Tolstoy
THE OLD COUNT, whose hunting establishment had always been kept up on a large
scale, had now handed it all over to his son's care, but on that day, the 15th
of September, being in excellent spirits he prepared to join the expedition.
(02/25/2008 06:31:20) [查看全文]
《战争与和平》 第七部 第三章
(02/25/2008 06:31:19) [查看全文]
《War And Peace》 Book7  CHAPTER III
    by Leo Tolstoy
WINTRY WEATHER was already setting in, the morning frosts hardened the earth
drenched by the autumn rains. Already the grass was full of tufts, and stood out
bright green against the patches of brown winter cornland trodden by the cattl
(02/25/2008 06:31:18) [查看全文]
《战争与和平》 第七部 第二章
(02/25/2008 06:31:17) [查看全文]
《War And Peace》 Book7  CHAPTER II
    by Leo Tolstoy
IN THE EARLY PART of his time at home Nikolay was serious and even dull. He
was worried by the necessity of meddling in the stupid business matters which
his mother had sent for him to look after. To be rid of this burden as soon as
(02/25/2008 06:31:16) [查看全文]
《战争与和平》 第七部 第一章
(02/25/2008 06:31:15) [查看全文]
《War And Peace》 Book7  CHAPTER I
    by Leo Tolstoy
THE BIBLICAL TRADITION tells us that the absence of work—idleness—was a
condition of the first man's blessedness before the Fall. The love of idleness
has remained the same in fallen man; but the curse still lies heavy upon man,
(02/25/2008 06:31:14) [查看全文]
Dear Bo$$,
In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under $tanding of the need$ of u$. worker$ who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to the company.
I am $ure you will gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon.
(02/25/2008 06:31:09) [查看全文]
envisage v.想像,设想2.正视,面对
tumour /tumor n.(c)(肿)瘤,肿块
abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部份)
abound v.充满,富于
acclaim v.向…欢呼,公认n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞
accord vt.使一致,给予
accountant n.会计,会计师
addict vt.使沉溺,使上瘾n.上瘾者
adore v.崇拜,热爱
advent n.出现,到来
adverse a.不利的,敌对的,相反的
affluent adj.富裕的
(02/25/2008 06:31:08) [查看全文]
He had risen from his chair and was standing between the parted blinds gazing down into the dull neutral-tinted London street. Looking over his shoulder, I saw that on the pavement opposite there stood a large woman with a heavy fur boa round her neck, and a large curling red feather in a broad-brimmed hat which was tilted in a coquettish Duchess o
(02/25/2008 06:31:08) [查看全文]
A Case of Identity
by Arthur Conan Doyle
A Case of Identity
"My dear fellow," said Sherlock Holmes as we sat on either side of the fire in his lodgings at Baker Street, "life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mi
(02/25/2008 06:31:08) [查看全文]
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