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I. Useful Expressions 1. —Do you know about April Fool’s Day? 你知道愚人节是怎么回事吗? (04/28/2007 08:34:49) [查看全文] I. A. The doctor
1. What’s wrong / the matter / trouble with you? = What’s your trouble?= What is troubling you? 你怎么啦? 2. Is there anything wrong / the matter / trouble with you? 你怎么了? 3. Let me examine you. 让我来给你检查一下。 4. Does it hurt here? 这儿疼吗? (04/28/2007 08:34:48) [查看全文] 一、can与could
1.can表示“能”、“会”时,指在脑力或体力方面所具有的能力;表示“可以”、“可能”时,指可能性;表示“可以”时,在口语中代替may (04/28/2007 08:34:47) [查看全文] 一、Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was.(U.13)
(04/26/2007 06:35:59) [查看全文] 1.Build up your vocabulary
One with a small vocabulary will find it very difficult in reading comprehension. Some students say they just can’t remember (04/26/2007 06:35:58) [查看全文] 本单元语法内容主要是学习had better, should等情态动词,现将它们的用法讲 (04/26/2007 06:35:57) [查看全文] I. Useful Expressions 1. —What’s wrong (the matter/trouble) with you? 你哪儿不舒服? (04/26/2007 06:35:56) [查看全文] 强调句型是英语中的一种重要的句子结构,它是英语学习者必须掌握的一种重要句型,因而在高考英语试卷中占有一席之地,且其命题从基本结构重点难点的角度切入。本文拟结合高考试题对强调句型的各个方面作如下归纳。 一、 (04/26/2007 06:35:55) [查看全文] 2003年高一初赛试题无论从题型结构、份量,还是从难度上均与2002年基本保持稳定,调整幅度不大,做到了“稳中有变,变中求稳”。这既有利于考生备考,减小考生备考的压力或对其他学科学习可能带来的冲击,又体现了“面向全体,重在参与”的竞赛宗旨 (04/26/2007 06:35:55) [查看全文] |